Chapter 13

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"Hi, excuse me? Did you receive two new patients. Natasha 'Phoenix' Trace and Robert 'Bob' Floyd?" I ask at the front desk of the military hospital located a few minutes away from the Top Gun base.

"Name?" The lady behind the desk asked. 

"Uh Luisa 'Nova' Seresin" I say, not sure if they needed my callsign, but I still said it. 

The lady then began tapping away on her computer, at times looking me up and down before speaking. 

"Yes, they did come in about 30 minutes ago. But they are both being checked on, and visiting hours wont be until 18.30" she explained. 

I sighed in relief, knowing that they had at least ejected from the plane. Hopefully, they are both okay. I can't loose either of them. I looked at the time. 17.47.

"Can I wait here then?" I asked, pointing at the waiting room, where the desk was located at as well by the entrance of the hospital. 

"Okay, take a seat over there" she said, pointing towards one of the empty chairs. 

I thank her and take my seat. I also texted Jake about the situation.

When the time finally hit 18.30, I went up to the desk again. The lady behind the desk did some more tapping away on her computer before giving me their room numbers. Both were on the first floor. Room 12 and 16. 

I arrived at room 12 first and knocked carefully a few times before a voice said 'come in'. When I spotted Natasha sitting on the bed, I almost wanted to cry with joy. I ran over to her, pulling her into a hug. 

"Oh thank God" I breathed out, smiling as she giggled. 

"I'm okay, Lu. I promise" she said as we pulled apart. 

I finally took a good look on her. She had a slight bruise on her collarbone, but other than that, she looked okay. Mainly just shaken up. 

"I was so worried" I said. 

"I was too" she admitted, "But I was mainly worried about Bob." she then said, tears forming in her eyes. 

"What do you mean?" I asked confused. 

"I really thought, I could save the plane. That it worked. I was so keen on it that I completely forgot that I was flying with another person. I could have gotten myself killed, but worse, I could have gotten Bob killed. It would have been my fault" she explained, her voice trembling slightly. 

"Oh Nat..." I say, feeling sorry for her. 

"It's just scary, you know? I'm responsible for two lives up there and today I forgot both of them" she finished, making me hug her again. 

"I'm so sorry..." I say while hugging, "But you are both here now, and that's what matters the most"

She smiles at me, and then it's like a new idea hit her. 

"Hey, you never told me how your date with mister lover boy went?" she said and my cheeks immediately grew hot. 

"Uh well uh, it went... it was good" I stutter. 


"Good? Come on, girl. Give me something" Nat is keen on making me spill the details. 

"Okay... it's was great. It was really great" I add, unable to stop the smile from growing on my face. 

"Did you kiss?" I almost choke on air. She was direct, damn. 

"No..." I hesitate, "Well, we came close, actually, but my phone rung and the moment was ruined. Actually, it happened twice" I frown a bit. 

"Twice? You almost kissed twice?! When?!" she is eager to know more. 

"Actually, it was last night. At Coyote's." I began, her eyes wide now, "When you left the kitchen, we were talking and laughing a bit and it was just about to happen... until you yelled 'pizzas ready'" I chuckle slightly, seeing Natasha drop her jaw. 

"Are you telling me that I cockblocked you and Bob? Oh my God... nooooo" she almost looks like she's gonna cry.

"Don't sweat it, Nat. You couldn't have known" I pat her shoulder, but she's still frowning. 

"I am so sorry, Luisa." she says, but I just laughs again. 

"It's fine. Maybe I'm luckier next time" I say and let out a surprised squeal as she pushes me out of the bed and towards the door. 

"Go, go see him now." she rushes me. 


"No buts, Lu. Go see him now" she states. 

I playfully roll my eyes and flash her a smile before leaving her room and making my way towards room 16. 

I feel the nerves return in my body as I stare at the door. It takes a minute before I finally pull myself together and knock on the door. When I hear a 'come in', I carefully open the door. I can't help but smile the minute my eyes land on Bob. 

He's half-laying/half-sitting in the bed under the covers. He's wearing some hospital clothes, his hair is messy and he too have a few bruises here and there. A small cut on his lip as well. He looks at me with surprise, but it soon turns into a smile as he signalizes for me to come closer. 

"Wasn't excepting to see you here, Luisa" he spoke in a soft voice, making my heart melt. 

At this point you could probably take my melted heart and form it into a ring or something. 

"I can leave again, if you're too tired or-"

"No! No, that's not what I meant. I'm happy to see you" he quickly says, only making me smile again. 

He scoots over in the bed, creating a space for me to sit down. 

"Well I'm happy to see you too, Bob. You scared the shit out of me... again" I chuckle slightly, reminding myself of how often we accidently scare each other. 

"I really need to stop scaring you" Bob laughs along. 

"But seriously, you're okay, right?" I then say, turning a bit more serious. 

If Nat felt that way, I wondered how Bob felt about it all. 

"Yeah I- I think so" he says a bit unsure, "I mean, I was scared for sure, but I'm okay now. I'm safe" he adds and I see the same kind of fear and panic in his eyes that I just saw in Nat's eyes. 

"You know, I just went to see Nat, and she told me how scared she had been." I began, "She is responsible for both of you, and she feels like she failed you" I could see his expression fall a bit. 

"I trust Natasha. She is a good pilot and a good friend, and in the end, she did bring us both home, she didn't fail us" Bob answered making me smile. He was too kind, too good for this world. 

"She'll be happy to hear you say that, Bob" I smile. 

"What about you?" Bob suddenly asks, "Are you okay?"

"I was really scared too. First, I thought, I had lost Coyote, and then you... I'm still shaken up, but I've seen you all now. Alive and safe and that's all I need" I answer honestly. 

"I didn't even think about Coyote, is he okay too?" Bob asks concerned but I quickly nod. 

"He's okay. A bit shaken up as well, but he's okay" I answer in relief. 

And that's when that feeling returns. The moment of comfortable silence as we stare at each other. I want to kiss him so badly it's making my insides turn. I feel it happening. He's starring at me with a soft smile on his face, and I feel him leaning in. I copy his motions. I lean in as well. Now, right now. It's happening, we're so close. Just a bit-

The door opens. 

For fuck sake! I will run over  the next person that interrupts us with my fucking jet!

We quickly pull away as a nurse enters the room. He explains how they have to do a few more tests on Bob and that they are keeping him and Nat overnight at the hospital. It also means that I have to leave.

I take a quick glance at Bob who looks as frustrated as myself, before I leave the room. Time to go home, I guess.

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