Chapter 17

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I know that Maverick told us to get some rest before today, but I barely slept last night. I could really feel the nerves kick in this time. And it's definitely not helping that the tension in the classroom is so thick. 

All the pilots, myself included obviously, are standing in front of Maverick, Admiral Bates and Vice Admiral Simpson. Even Hondo is there along with a few other people. Maverick is standing in the front, looking out on all of us. 

"It truly has been an honor to fly with each and everyone one of you. You have all shown, why you are the best. My choice for this mission reflects on that and nothing more" Maverick quickly finishes his speech before Admiral Bates step up. 

"Choose the team leader" he says. 

Maverick looks directly at me. I can feel my brother, who's standing next to me, tense up. 

"Nova" Maverick keeps it short.

"And the two Foxtrot teams?" Admiral Bates asks

"Payback and Fanboy... Phoenix and Bob" Maverick replies. 

Bob... Bob's going on the mission. This only makes me even more keen on bringing everyone home. 

"And Nova's wingman?" Admiral Bates ask about the final pilot. 

I'm actually not sure, who I want as my wingman. One one hand, we have Halo. She's a good pilot, but I haven't had her as my wingman before. Then we have Coyote, my best friend. I trust him with my life, and he's a good pilot as well. He wouldn't be such a bad choice but after him going into G-LOC a couple days ago, I doubt, they'll choose him. Then we have my brother and Rooster left. I don't know who's better, but I think the choice will be between them. 

Maverick looks at us, "Rooster"

I'm not surprised by his choice. Jake is my twin brother, and I'm not sure it's the best idea for a dangerous mission like this. But I bet Maverick chose Rooster to try and make up for everything, for Goose, for pulling his papers, for not being there when he should have. 

I can see that my brother is disappointed and Rooster looks surprised, but I think, it was the best choice. I hope so. 

"And I want Hangman to jump in the spare dagger" Maverick says to which Hangman nods. 

"Alright, everyone. Get ready... and good luck" Admiral Bates says and we all head out. 

As I make my way towards my fighter jet, I hear my brothers voice. 

"Luisa!" he yells over all the noise coming from the deck. 

As soon as I turn around, I'm pulled into a tight hug. 

"You better come back to me, do you hear me? You better come back" Jake whispers before pulling away. 

I look at my brother, a worried expression covering his face. 

"I will, brother." I smile at him. Okay, so maybe he is my real twin after all heh. 

"Good luck up there" Jake then says before he walks away cause he too, have to get ready in case we need a spare. 

As I walk past Bradley's jet, I see him and Maverick talking. I smile to myself, hoping that they are finally clearing the air between them. Then my eyes land on the plane next to me. Phoenix and Bob. They're already sat in their jet.

"Guys?" I say, catching their attention. 

"Are we ready?" I ask, suddenly very unsure of what to say. My eyes shift between Nat and Bob, though my heart only looks at Bob. 

But I can't loose either of them. Phoenix have become one of my closest friends and Bob... well, I just can't loose him either. 

"Let's do this, Lu" Nat smiles at me and nods.

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