Chapter 18

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Rooster is yelling over the radio. Everyone is yelling over the radio in panic and fear and sadness as they watch their team leader and friend crash down in the forest beneath them. But what hits them the worst is that none of them can do anything. 

"No..." Rooster breathes out, the guilt hitting him like a bus. "We have to go back for her, she could still be alive" he tells. 

But deep down he knows that he's only trying to convince himself. He saw her burning plane crash down and explode and he didn't see her get out. Besides, they are not safe yet. SAMs are still active and they need to get away, they have no choice. 

"Rooster... we can't. She's gone" Payback stutters. 

"No..." Phoenix heard Bob whisper behind her as she felt her own heart shatter as well. 

She could see the obvious crush that Bob had on Luisa. Everyone saw that. It was clear as daylight that they had feelings for each other. And like Bob, Phoenix wanted to cry and go back to save her friend, but she was stuck. She couldn't do it. She had no choice but to return to the Carrier. 

"Dagger Spare requesting to fly" Hangman's voice suddenly sounded over the radio. 

Everyone could hear the frustration and grief in his voice. It just made everything worse. Jake had just lost his twin sister. His ride or die. His only family, he had left. Luisa and Jake lost their parents at a young age and the twins grew up together with different foster parents, but they always stuck together like glue. And now, she was gone. His twin sister was gone. Probably dead already. 

"Denied Dagger Spare." Control Tower reported, Phoenix was sure that Hangman was cussing at everything and everyone right now. 

"All Daggers are ordered to come back now!" Cyclones voice suddenly sounds over the radio. 

There was complete silence from all in the Dagger Squad as they flew back to the Carrier. Not a single sound. Nothing. 

When they landed, they were greeted with the other pilots and people on the Carrier, but though they were cheering for the success of the mission, you could see the sadness in their eyes, you could feel the tensed mood. 

When Rooster hopped out of his plane, he was immediately greeted with the face of Coyote. His eyes were red and puffy and a few tears were still rolling down his cheeks. 

"Please don't say it... please tell me she's not-" he couldn't bring himself to say anything, neither could Rooster. 

Rooster just looked at the broken man in front of him, and he wanted nothing more but to prove him wrong. 

"I- I'm sorry" Was all Rooster could manage. 

Coyote only looked at him, allowing more tears to emerge before Phoenix put his arms around him for comfort. All the pilots gathered around without saying much. They had all lost a friend. A sister. That special someone. A best friend. A good pilot. 

As soon as Admiral Bates, Vice Admiral Simpson and Maverick greeted the pilots, Jake jumped up, standing in front of them. 

"Sir please, we have to go back! We have to-"

"I'm sorry Lieutenant... Everyone, but we can't do that. She's on enemy territory, if she's even still alive. We cannot risk it." Cyclone states, though you could see the pain on his face as well. 

Loosing a pilot was hurtful for everyone. No matter what.

"But she's my sister!" Jake yelled.

Maverick wiped a tear away, placing a hand on Rooster's shoulder. "It wasn't your fault" Maverick had noticed the obvious guilt that was present of Roosters face. 

"Yes it was... she gave up her own life for me. She saved me, and now we can't even go back for her!" Rooster exclaimed, making everyone look at him. 

A part of Hangman wanted to punch Rooster, to yell and scream at him for making him loose his sister. But a part of him knew that it wouldn't do any good anyway. Besides, Luisa would kill him if she knew that Jake punched Rooster. 

Bob stood a bit behind everyone. His head was hanging low and he was shaking. It felt like his heart was being ripped apart and he was doing everything is his power not to break down. It was so unfair, he thought. She didn't deserve this destiny. 

While zoning out, starring into the air and not hearing the arguments unfold around him, all Bob could think about was the fact that he never got the change to kiss her. They were so close so many times, yet he never got to tell her how much he was falling for her. He wanted nothing more than to hold her in his arms, kissing her forehead, knowing that she was his and he was hers. But now... it was too late

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