Chapter 6

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My mood was significantly improved when I learned that everyone had failed todays dogfighting and that it wasn't just me. And to make it even better, I just arrived at The Hard Deck with Phoenix. I guess Jake and Coyote wanted some 'bro' time, because they made it very clear that they'd meet us at the bar later. 

But I didn't mind it. It actually felt nice to have some girl time with Nat for a change. No annoying twin brother around or Coyote who wont stop calling me Supernova. 

"Come on, let's get a drink" Natasha says, dragging me towards the bar without protests. 

Obviously, we're not gonna get drunk drunk, since we're going out for another dogfight tomorrow, but we can still enjoy the night and each others company. Besides, Bob promised to teach me how to play pool and I know Coyote, Jake, Rooster, Halo and Payback are joining us too. 

"Two Mojitos please" Natasha says. 

"Girl you are reading my mind" I chuckle, and not long after, our drinks arrive. 

We then find a couple of seats near the pool table, settling down. We are both in casual clothes tonight. I rummaged through my still unpacked bag before I found a black turtleneck and a pair of loose jeans. Since I didn't know what else to wear, I just went with that. 

I am no fashionist...

"Hey by the way, I'm sorry we didn't get Maverick today" she began, taking a zip of her Mojito. 

"It's okay, Nat. We still did a pretty good job. we'll get him tomorrow" I reassured her. 

"I hope so, that man is really good" she says and I can only agree. 

"Yeah, it's pretty insane not gonna lie." I replied. "but hey, at least he knocked my brother off of his little pedestal" I chuckled, making Phoenix laugh as well. 

"Oh you evil thing... I love it" she laughed, the two of us clashing our glasses together as if we were raising a toast. 

Our conversation quickly evolved into the most random things, but by the end of it, we were practically crying from laughing so hard. Poor Bob looked so confused when he entered the bar and found Nat and I, unable to hold back laughter. 

"Bob! Hey, over here!" I exclaim as I notice him. 

He gives me a confused smile, but none the less joins us. 

"Do I even wanna know?" he asks me, though he keeps looking at the both of us while we dry our eyes. 

"Probably not" Natasha chuckle, finishing the last bit of her drink. "I'm gonna grab another, do you guys want anything?" she asks. 

"Uh just a beer" Bob says

"Make that two" I answer and she nods before leaving. 

"So, how are your arms?" Bob returns his focus on me, and I stretch my arms out, feeling the soreness still present. 

"Let's just say, I hope you're a good teacher, because I'm gonna need it" I reply, Bob still looking at me. 

"No, you have to hold it like this. Put your thumb there, and don't aim for the bottom, aim for the middle of the ball to get a more precise shot" Bob was truly doing his best to teach me. 

He even went as far as correcting my posture and my grib on the cue (billiard stick haha). He placed my hands the correct way, his soft hands touching my own. I could practically feel the heat coming from his body with how close he stood to me, and I was sure that he could hear my heart beat significantly faster than usual. 

Fuck... I can barely focus

"You know, this whole pool thing is a lot harder than you'd think" I try to explain my way out of the fact that It's probably just me, who suck. 

Bob turned his head to look at me. We were still standing pretty close, and now our faces were pretty close as well. 

Damn you, universe

"Don't be too hard on yourself, Luisa. Just try and hit the ball now" he said, and it finally seemed to occur to him how close we were standing because he was quick to take a step back, allowing me to take the shot. 

I put my best game face on, really trying to do everything I had just been taught. Finally, I took the shot and to my big surprise, I actually managed to hit the white ball which rolled across the table and hit a green ball which then rolled into the left corner. 

"Yes!" I cheered, giving Bob a high-five as he gave me a bright smile. 

"See? I told you so" Bob says, clearly proud of himself for actually being able to teach me. 

"Wow, I guess, you are a pretty good teacher after all, huh?" I smirked, unable to look away from him. 

"As if there was every any doubt of that" Bob laughed, his diss/joke once again making me drop my jaw. 

"I swear, Bob, you get funnier every minute" we both laughed. 

After we had played some more, we decided to join the others again. Rooster, Phoenix, Halo and Payback were all sat at a table, chatting and laughing. There was still no sight of my brother or best friend, but they had probably just forgotten time or something like that. 

"It is now official: I am great at pool" I announced, taking a seat next to Phoenix as Bob took a seat next to Rooster. Guys sat on one side and girls on the other. 

"Really? I somehow find that hard to believe" Rooster chuckled, making the rest of the table laugh as well. 

"Well you better start believing, little bird" I fired back, making Payback let out an 'ooooooh' sound. 

"Alright alright, Supernova. Whatever you say" Rooster continued. 

"I thought, only Coyote called you 'Supernova'?" Halo asked, as I glared at Rooster and playfully rolled my eyes at him.

"Well it looks like I have to have a serious conversation with him" I answer. 

"I would like to see that conversation" Payback grinned. 

"Me too" Phoenix smirked. 

"Me three" Bob added, as all eyes were on me now. 

"I mean, I would love an audience for that, but I'm not even sure he's gonna show up tonight. It looks like him and Jake are having too much fun" I say, the whole table breaking into laughter again. 

And once again, The Hard Deck never disappoints...  

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