Just an average day

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Jack's POV
It was just an normal day like usual. Uploading youtube videos for all of my lovely fans to watch. So they could be happy. Or not. Ha what the fuck. I just finished recording a new video of happy wheels. I lay back in my chair and sigh. " Well. Now what?" I ask my self. Suddenly my phone vibrates.
I had gotten a text message from mark. "Hey Jackyboy! I was wondering if u could skype me rite now. Unless u ur busy. Then we can talk later." I grin and wonder whats up with mark. I text him back "sure" and open my laptop.

Marks POV
Whew good he can talk. I think to myself. Since Jack is coming to L.A. this weekend , I wouldn't want one of my best friends to spend money on a damn hotel! I mean he has me here in L.A. So ill be the caring friend to let him stay at my apartment.
"Hey'a Markimoo! What's up?"

Jack says once he answers the call.

"Hey Jack. Well I've been thinking. You know how this weekend your coming here to L.A.?"

"Ya what bout it?"

"Well. I don't think that my dear irish friend should spend his money on a fucking hotel. So instead of the hotel. Come stay at my apartment! That way you can save money."

"Ohh fuck mark. No I couldn't , it's really okay."


"JEZUS MARKIMOO CALM DOWN! Fine ill stay at your apartment."

We talked for an hour then ended our call. I had a feeling this was going to be a fun month with jack hanging around. But i never thought, it would be the most unexpected month as well.

Jack's POV
Its the day i have arrived in L.A. I've gotten my luggage and have walked out of the airport. I look around for mark. Then suddenly i see mark waving like an idiot to me. "HEY JACKKKKK!" Mark yells. I walk over to him and he takes my luggage. And opens the car door for me. "After you ma lady!" Mark says stupidly. "Shut the fuck up." I say smirking.
"So you excited to stay with your best bud markimoo?" Mark asks in a high pitched voice. Sarcastically i scream " NO THIS IS GONNA BE HORRIBLE! SAVE MEE SOMEBODY!" Mark makes a puppy face and stares deep into my eyes. He whimpers. "awe. Naw lad, i love u man. I bet we'll have a great time. " I say.
We arrive at marks apartment. He grabbed his keys from his pocket and opened the door. "Well welcome to marks apartment! " Mark exclaims. He shows me around the apartment. We finally come to his recording room. "And this is where all the magic happens." mark says.
It's pretty amazing to be in markipliers recording room. The place where his inspiring videos are made. I sigh. "Hey you hungry?" Mark asks. I look at him and realize that im pretty hungry. All i had on the plane was some cheap ass paper tasting chips. "Yeah actually. I could really use some real food ha!" i say. Then mark says, "under one condition." He says unusually softly. He walks towards me. And reaches for my hat. " I get to wear your hat and you get food." He smirks. i smile and say " also i get to wear your lucky flanel!" Mark looks at me and rolls his eyes.
Marks POV
He wants my flanel? Ha i don't think jack realizes that im wearing it. I look at him and smirk like crazy. I start unbuttoning my flanel. Jacks eyes get big and he stays stuttering, " i.. Ummm...m...mark..what a..are you do..doing? " I laugh and finish taking off my flanel. And throw it at jack and snatch his hat from his head. "We are having breakfast for dinner!" I yell walking into the kitchen.

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