Chapter 2

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Jacks POV
Mark is taking off his shirt. What? Why? Then i see that he is wearing the lucky flannel i asked to wear. Oops. Once he throws it at me he just walks away into the kitchen yelling we are having breakfast for dinner. without putting a shirt on. I take off my blue sweatshirt and take off the undershirt i had on under it. I put on the flanel. Surprisingly its a little big for me. I could have sworn we wore the same size.
I walk into the kitchen to see mark with my hat on, shirtless ,and making....pancakes. "Mark..." I say. "yes'um?" He turns to me. I realized that in real life he has a even more nicely structured body. So muscular.i guess i was staring because mark noticed. "hello? Jack?" He yells. " hu? Oh what?" I say embarrassed. "Were you looking at my sexy perfect body." Mark says. i feel warmth flood onto my cheeks. "No o...of course not." I stutter. Mark sighs and rolls his eyes.
"Hey lad do ya have any beer?" I ask mark as soon as we finish our pancakes. "Oh shit. Dammit. I don't have anything. Im sorry jack! I know you irish people need ur beer!" he says. "Oh shut up you bastard." I say laughing. Suddenly it becomes silent. I couldn't help my self and i randomly yelled, "BOOPER DOOPER!" Mark looks at me very seriously then bursts out laughing. I join in. " You're weird without your beer. Come on theres a bar down this street we can go to." Mark says giggling. "Hey but first put on a shirt!" I yell before he starts walking out the door. "ha almost forgot!" he says as he runs back and grabs my sweatshirt. " hey thats mine!" I say. "Well im wearing it now so haha bitch!"
We arrive at the bar. Music is blaring and people are drunk and dancing. we go up to the bar and get drinks.
Two hours pass. We have had 5 beers each. Im slightly drunk but mark is drunk as fuck. Every word he says is slurred. He begins to act weird.

Marks POV
Im so happy right now. I put my arm around jack and slur "jack... Why u soooo gorgeous.?" Jack looks at me weirdly. "Umm what mark?" He asked like he is confused. " We should go back to the apartment and make out like jack and rose. Im rose and your jack, jack. Heh see wat i did dar?"

Jacks POV
I look at mark and start to get worried. "Um come on lets go home mark." I tell him. We walk back to the apartment. When we get inside mark grabs me by the hand and pulls me down onto the couch. "Come on jack we can be like the titanic!" Mark slurs loudly. I get up and guide him to his bedroom. " Now mark stay here and sleep like a baby okay?" I say. Mark collapsed onto the bed. i cover him up with his blankets and take off his glasses. He looks so peaceful. It was then that I realized mark is really handsome. I don't know if it was the alcohol talking or me but I started stroking marks face. "Good night mark." I whispered.

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