Chapter 4

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Jack's POV

After an hour of sitting on mark's couch responding to comments on twitter, youtube, and tumblr he finally came out of his room in a black and white flannel and light blue skinny jeans and converses. He walked over smiling slightly and the sat down next to me. His shoulder brushed mine. "How you doing buddy?" i asked and smiled. He looked at me and said, "I'm better. I think it helped that i told somebody about that." "That's great! Hey why'd you take so long to take a shower?" i asked. He then smirked and started running his hand through his wet hair. "The floof takes some time to be washed lad." he said. "Oh'ya laddie, tis tat true?" i said in my best Irish accent. "HEY NO FAIR! YOU'RE ALREADY IRISH!!" Mark yelled in my face. I laughed and said," hey i gotta idea of what we could do. "what?" he asked. I jumped up and screamed, "DANCE PARTY!!!!!!!!!!"

Mark's POV

I was startled by Jack's scream but after he said dance party i was totally down for it. I nodded my head jumped up and ran into my recording room to get my stereo. I ran back into the living room and saw jack setting up his camera. " what's that for jackyboy?" i asked. He turned around and smiled. " I dunno bout you but i am recording this for youtube. It would be awesome!" he exclaimed. I looked at him and started laughing. "Ha yeah good idea Jack!" i said.

After jack finished setting up his camera he told me to stand out of the camera view. I followed his directions and got beside the camera. Jack was on the other. He pressed the record button. He jumped in front of the camera and said, "HHHHHEEEEEYYYYYY DARRRR!" Then after he said hi he motioned his hand telling me to jump in camera view. As soon as i saw him signal me i jumped right in and ended up stumbling while saying "HIIIiiiiiiaghhhh!" i ended up falling and jack started laughing like crazy and pulled me up back into camera view. "heh hi guys. " i said blushing. Then jack looked at the camera and said,"since me and mark have absolutely nothing to do, we have decided to have a .........." "DANNNNNCEEEE PARRRRTTTTTAAAYYYY!" I yelled interrupting jack. Jack and i started laughing and i ran and turned on the stereo and turned it to a radio station.

Jack's POV

After dancing to many songs and sitting their making funny faces at the camera when commercials came on , suddenly the song, "Shut up and Dance with Me" came on and Mark yelled," THIS IS MY FAVORITE SONG!!!!!!" He started singing along and i knew it too so i started singing along also. I was so lost in the moment all i could see was Mark. His floof flowing, him smiling and singing and jumping up and down while moving his arms like dork. Suddenly he grabbed my hands and started dancing with me. Our bodies in sequence. Jumping up and down swaying our hands. Then mark whispered to me to twerk. I was laughing then saw that mark turned his back to the camera and startled twerking i was laughing so hard and though to my self,"screw it!" then i started twerking also. Then we stopped and continued dancing and laughing like idiots. Then the song was coming to an end and mark suddenly grabbed my waist and i was against him. He was singing along and looking into my eyes. Then suddenly at the last second of the song mark put his hand on the back of my head and then. He pulled me close to him. And. Kissed me.

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