Chapter 13

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Jack's POV
Mark got up and walked over to me still blushing. I sat down on the drum stool and just stared at Mark. Mark then pulled a chair infront of the drums. He sat down and smiled shyly and said quietly,"so. You gonna play a beat or sumptin?" I looked down at the drums and said," yeah. Im a little rusty, do don't judge." I took a deep breath and started playing the beat to the song , "All the right Moves" by one republic. Mark lit up as soon as he heard the beat. " Hey i know this song! Stop for a minute im gonna look up karaoke for this song with no drums playing! It will be fucking awesome!" He said. i smiled and stopped. While he was on his phone finding it , i sat there and thought about what i just did. I kissed Mark. I don't know why I felt that it was his weakness but the first time he kissed me i felt him become weak. Maybe it was because he has been single for a long time and hasn't kissed anyone in like ages. But i really don't understand. "Ahh ha! I found it! Ill send you the drum beat thingy that you can refer to." He yelled. I laughed and nodded. I opened the link to the music. "You ready?" I said looking at mark. " Yeah, totes." he said. Then mark pressed play. The music started. Then it was time for the drum beat to play, I immediately started playing. Then mark started singing.

"All the right friends in all the right places
So yeah, we're going down
They've got
All the right moves and all the right faces
So yeah, we're going down"

Mark paused and smiled at me then continued.

"Let's paint the picture of the perfect place
They've got it better than when anyone's told ya
They'll be the King of Hearts, and you're the Queen of Spades
Then we'll fight for you like we were your soldiers

I know we got it good, but they got it made,
And their grass is getting greener each day,
I know things are looking up, but soon they'll take us down,
Before anybody's knowing our name

They've got...

All the right friends in all the right places
So yeah, we're going down
They've got
All the right moves and all the right faces
So yeah, we're going down

They say
Everybody knows, everybody knows where we're going
Yeah, we're going down
They say
Everybody knows, everybody knows where we're going
Yeah, we're going down

Do you think I'm special? Do you think I'm nice?
Am I bright enough to shine in your spaces?
Between the noise you hear, and the sounds you like
Are we just sinking in an ocean of faces?

It can't be possible that rain could fall
Only when it's over our heads.
The sun is shining every day, but it's far away.
Over the world instead.

They've got, they've got...

All the right friends in all the right places
So yeah, we're going down
They've got
All the right moves and all the right faces
So yeah, we're going down

They say
Everybody knows, everybody knows where we're going
Yeah, we're going down
They say
Everybody knows, everybody knows where we're going
Yeah, we're going down

It don't matter what you see
I know I could never be
Someone that'll look like you.
It don't matter what you say
I know I could never fake
Someone that could sound like you.

All the right friends in all the right places
So yeah, we're going down
They've got
All the right moves and all the right faces
So yeah, we're going down

All the right friends in all the right places
So yeah, we're going down
They've got
All the right moves and all the right faces
So yeah, we're going down

They say
Everybody knows, everybody knows where we're going
Yeah, we're going down
They say
Everybody knows, everybody knows where we're going
Yeah, we're going down

Yeah, we're going down [2x]

All the right moves... hey
Yeah we're going down
They say
All the right moves... hey
Yeah we're going down"

The song ended and we laughed and i smiled at him. " Man mark i didnt know you were that great at singing!" I yelled. Mark blushed and ran his fingers through his hair . " Thanks, it's not that good." I got up and put my hands on his shoulders. "Dude! Are you serious!? Come on your amazing!" I said staring him strait in the eyes. "Oh. Okay." He stared at me. I let go of him and started walking towards the door. " Um Mark, uh excuse me but I'm going to go outside for a little bit. I just, need to you know take a breather. Maybe answer some tweets and stuff. Be back in ten." I said feeling tired all of a sudden. Mark looked at me with a sorta worried look and then he nodded. I walked out and closed the door behind me slowly.

Mark's POV
I watched him close the door behind him. Is he okay? He seemed a little ill. I got up and looked out the window. I saw jack. Jack was walking over to a bench. He sat down and held his hands with his head. It was very cloudy. The clouds were dark. It looked as if it was going to rain. Then of course it started raining. I looked back at Jack and saw that he was only wearing a t-shirt and jeans. Rain was pouring down on him but he didn't seem to care. He just sat there. I walked over to the kitchen to see his phone on the counter. He left his phone? Huh that's weird. I grabbed his phone and turned it on to see text messages. These were from his ex. Anger burst in me as i read the texts. "Sean, i just wanted to tell you, how happy i am now that i left you. It feels great to know i can date other people and keep a great relationship with them being super obsessed with stupid youtube. " said one of the texts. "that son of a bitch!" I whispered to myself slamming my fist down on the table. I grabbed one of my extra hoodies and ran out the door. I was outside now. I ran over to jack as fast as i could. Then Jack looked up surprised to see me. His eyes were puffy. He was drenched. His shirt was soaked. " Jack..." I said softly. I sat down next to him and handed him my hoodie. He looked down wiping his eyes. " T-thanks."he said choked up. I put my arm around him and pulled him closer to me. " Jack......, that bitch doesn't know what she is doing." I said. Jacks face was buried in my chest now. His was hugging me tightly. I ran my hand along his back slowly. My hair was now drenched. Jack was crying. Then i started crying. We were crying together in the pouring rain.

Jack's POV
I looked up to see mark now drenched, but crying also. I let go of him and reached for his hand. Mark smiled at me and squeezed my hand softly. " How bout we go inside." He said. i nodded and we got up. We were still holding each others hand.
We walked over to my apartment door. "Fuck. it's locked." i said. Mark looked at me then at one of my windows. It was open. "I can push you up so you can climb through." He said. I nodded and we walked over underneath the window. Mark then squatted and made me get on his back. Tryi g not to lose balance I stood up on his shoulders. "Hurr....ry... up!" Mark said struggling. I managed to grab onto the window. I looked down to see i was pretty high up. Then i got the feeling. I froze. " Jack you okay up there?" Mark said. "It it it its s-so h-h-high up h-here." I said stuttering. Mark then said, "oh fuck! I forgot! YOUR SCARED OF HEIGHTS! JACK JUST PULL YOURSELF THROUGH THE WINDOW! Don't look down!!" Mark yelled up at me. " Uhhhaah! "I squealed. I tried pulling my self through the window. Since it was raining the window was slippery. I was pulling myself up when my hand slipped. I was falling now. I screamed loudly. I expected to hit the hard ground, but i was caught by Mark. I was in his strong arms. i was crying hard now. " Shh. It's okay i got you." Mark said softly. He set me down. Then hugged me. " Maybe , we should ask the person inside for the key." Mark said . I looked up at him and said," Yeah. Probably should."

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