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It had been one year since Jack and Mark have become a couple. They moved in together and were living their lives happily each day. Today was their one year anniversary.

Jack's POV
My eyes fluttered open. The sun was shining on my face. I sat up slowly and ran my fingers through my hair. I looked over to my right to see my beautiful boyfriend. He was sound asleep, breathing softly. I smiled and reached over and caressed his face with my hand. Then a smile formed on his face and he opened his eyes. "Good morning Markle Sparkle" i said softly. I leaned down and kissed him. "Happy Anniversary" I whispered into his ear. He then wrapped his arms around me and said," You remembered?" I giggled and said," Of course! Ye smelly!" I kissed his forehead. He sat up then with me still in his arms. "Happy anniversary to you too you irish mother fucker." He said smirking. We laughed and got outta bed. We walked into the kitchen. I started to make coffee while Mark made breakfast. We ate and sipped our coffee. After we finished i sat down on the couch.

Mark's POV
I walked over to Jack and stood infront of him , blocking the tv from his vision. "Come on ye bastard lemme watch!" He said. I took the remote from his hand and turned the Tv off. I threw it across the room. I then sat on Jack's lap and put my arms around him. Our faces were centimeters apart. I then said," Jackaboy..." ,"what?" He said annoyed. I cupped his face and gave him a tiny kiss. I stared deep into his ocean blue eyes and said, " Jack... You know i love you to death. You are my everything. I would do anything for you. " His face began to turn pink. He rolled his eyes then dug his face into my shoulder. Then he looked up and said," Well Mark, im sorry to have to say this , but im afraid that i love you more." I then smiled and kissed the irish man.

For the rest of the day they sat snuggled up on the couch watching movie after movie. The had reservations for a dinner that night. They went out and had the time of their lifes. That night when they got home, they told each other how much they loved each other. They looked into each others eyes. They fell asleep together. And both of them knew, that they had a relationship that would last forever.

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