Chapter 12

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Jack's POV

The next day we started packing my things. From clothes to furniture. At the end of the day we were surprisingly almost done. All that was left was my bed, the couch , my tv and little things. Everything was in boxes. "I haven't seen this place so empty since when i first got it." I said looking around. Mark flopped down on the couch. " yeah. So you happy i came to help you?" Mark said. I looked around once more and smiled then said,"Yeah. I wouldn't of gotten this much done without you." I walked over and sat down next to him. Mark all of a sudden , playfully, put me in a headlock and and messed up my hair. "Aye!!!!!" I said. He laughed and said ," i knew you would need me." He released me from the headlock and pointed at a closet we didn't go through. " Hey what's in that closet?" Mark asked. " That sounds like a crappy game show." I giggled. "But seriously what's in there?" He said walking over to it. I got up and said," I don't know actually." Mark then opened the door. There was drum cases. "oh my drums." i said. " I totally forgot i put them there." Mark turned around quickly to look at me. He had a huge grin on his face."what?" I said. He ran over to me and put both his hands on my shoulder. He was gripping my shoulders tightly. "Jack." Mark said in a serious voice. " Uh what?" His eyes were shinning. "CAN YOU PLEASE PLAY THEM FOR ME!!!!?" He yelled. Startled i said, " whoa mark. calm ye self down." He was staring at me with a puppy face. "Please!!!!?" He asked in a small voice. I sighed and said" well....why the fuck not?" He let go of me and started jumping up and down. " You gotta help me set it up though." I said while starting to grab one of the drums. Mark then stood next to me and helped me grab the drum.
After setting everything up i went to the closet to try to find my drumsticks. "fuck. I focking can't find my drumsticks!" Mark then said, " you mean these?" I then turned around to see Mark was leaning against a wall with his legs crossed and one hand on his hip and the other in the air holding my drumsticks. I smiled and said," gimme them if ye wanna here me play!" Mark walked over to me and got down on one new and said, " your drumsticks my lord." while holding them up. " what the fuck? Ye weird bastard get up" i said while taking the drumsticks, then pushing his head back so he would lose his balance. He fell over onto his back and started laughing. I was walking towards the drums now , but I heard mark get up then heard his footsteps. He was running. Curious of why he was running , I turned around to see mark running at me. "what the fu-" I started saying but the next thing I knew was that Mark was leaping towards me.
We landed with a thud. Mark was on top of me this time. He was sitting on my stomach . "What thee fuck!?" I yelled while trying to push him off. " Ohh jackaboy , your so cute sometimes!" Mark said smirking. Cute? What? I was still struggling to get free. Mark pinned me to the ground. He was holding my wrists tightly. "So what's the reason for this Mark?" I asked , while giving up. Mark looked at me and said, " I don't know. kinda just happened. It's just cute to see how weak you are against me." I rolled my eyes and said," pshhhhh! You serious bro? You wanna go!? You wanna fite man!?" Mark smiled and said," Try me." I laughed and said," you got no chance. I know your weakness." He gave me a confused look and said,"what?" I laughed once again and said" come closer I gotta whisper it to you. It's top secret."

Mark's POV
Confused, I brought my face closer to his. "Closer." he said. I moved even more closer. Jack's face was inches away, he was smiling staring into my eyes. Then he whispered," This." Suddenly I felt Jack's lips peck mine. I was in shock. I looked down at him and he was smirking. Then I felt myself be pushed off of his body. I fell next to Jack. He was laughing. "So I guess I was right about knowing your weakness huh? Kisses? Ha, oh Mark your such a weirdo." I laid there looking up at the ceiling. " Dammit. wait no it's not I just.. was really curious about what you were gonna say and I forgot that I was holding you down so I was weak. " I said sitting up. Jack then sat up and grinned. " Is that so? So if I kiss you again you won't be weak, will ye?" I nodded. " well let's see if this is true then." Jack scooted in front of me , grabbed my hands and pulled me closer to him . " You sure that this is not your weakness? " He said now inches away from my face. I nodded again nervously. Jack then leaned in and kissed me full on. I was very still and just let it happen. He then pulled away and smiled. " Your weak aren't ya?" He said with confidence. I looked down and sighed. Jack let go of my hands and said," that's what I thought." He then got up and picked up his drumsticks and walked over to his drums. " Now did we set these drums up for nothin? Get your lazy ass off the floor." Jack said sitting down .

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