Chapter 7

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Jack's POV
After hugging each other like weirdos mark told me he had to exercise because his doctor told him too. I looked at him and said,"okay? That's good to know." I said sort of confused. He smiled and asked," well instead of being a lazy ass jack, how bout you go on the walk with me?" I stared at him for a couple moments and then rolled my eyes. "FINNNNNEEE!" I yelled in his face.
We walked outside of the apartment complex and started walking. "So..............." mark said slowly. "Hows your life in ireland? I know you rarely go outside. But how is it?" We were walking along the sidewalk towards a park that wasnt very far from marks. I looked at him and said,"i dunno. I mean all i do is record videos and stay in my house all day. Just living my life as a youtuber." " Hmm. Jack.. sorry to bring this up but , don't you get lonely there? You know since your girlfriend-you know, uhh-" mark said quietly but was cut of by me. I all a sudden felt anger rise in me. "Broke up with me. Yeah. But I don't know if im lonely. I don't really get to see friends. I don't really have anybody. Im just a fockin loud irish guy who sits at his computer all day doing nothing!" I could hear my self becoming louder. My heart beating faster now. Deep down inside I realized i was lonely in my apartment. I didnt get to hang with friends. This thought made me shiver. With my girlfriend gone it just makes it worse. Im lonely. Im alone. All alone.

Mark's POV
I made a mistake. Jack yelled at me. I could tell he was very irritated. "Jack. Im sorry i didn't mean to bring it up i just....." I said stumbling. " Just what?" Jack said looking at me. There was hurt in his eyes. "I just wanted to know if your doing okay. I mean i know it's hard losing somebody you really love. Trust me." Jack looked at me with his now glossy blue eyes. He was shaking. His lips quivering. I grabbed his hand started running back to the apartment. He kept up. His hand was cold. Very cold. We arrived at the apartment i scrambled for my keys while saying, "Jack just hold on. Just hold on its okay." I was out of breath my words were whispers.

Jack's POV
I watched mark as he scrambled for his keys. I could still see his muscular figure even though my sight was a blur. I was shaking badly. Im glad that mark grabbed me in time so that the public wouldnt see my breakdown. I felt as if i was really breaking. Breaking into pieces. Mark unlocked the door and pulled me into the apartment and into his bedroom. He told me to lie down on the bed. As soon as i hit the bed, tears were flying down my hot cheeks. I felt so alone and hurt. My life was being pulled apart. Suddenly mark was on the bed with me holding me tightly. I turned around and faced him. I stared at him while still whimpering and crying. I hugged him. My face was dug into his shoulder. I cried and cried. Mark hugged me while saying softly,"Sean. Its okay. Im here for you. I won't let you be alone. I won't let you become broken. Sean im here." I was calming down. Mark was so warm and cozy. He made me feel safe. He made me feel needed. We needed each other. We could fight through our troubles together. Mark was something I couldn't loose. Mark is somebody who can make me smile.

Mark's POV
Jack was now breathing softly. His heartbeat was beginning to slow. His breaths had a little shake in them but he was getting better. He was clutching onto me so tightly. As if he never wanted to let go. He was still so cold. So i pulled my blanket around us. Jack was in my arms. Sitting on my bed. Crying quietly into my shoulder.
After a view moments of silence jack removed his face from my shoulder. We were looking in each others eyes. His eyes were bloodshot. His sky colored eyes where shinning. His face was red. He was so still. The trail marks of his tears were still on his face. I reached my hand up to his face and rubbed the tears off his hot cheeks. We were silent. We just stared at each other. I was lost in his eyes. Next thing i knew, was never expected.

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