Chapter 10

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Mark's POV
It was a sunny, hot , day, Jack and i were on our way to the airport in a hurry. Because i may have slept in a little to late , we were running late. " Oh god mark! It's 9:43!!! We aren't gonna make it! The flight takes off at 10 ye bastard!!!" Jack said biting his lip neevously. I stepped on the gas. " I know i know! I'm sorry!" I said sweating. At 9:49 we got to the airport and i rented a garage so that when we came back we could get the car. We ran in the airport and checked in. After all the getting our stuff checked out we finally got seated on the plane. We literally collapsed into the seats. Jack and I were now breathing heavily. " alarm clock." Jack said in a whisper while taking a deep breath after each word. "Okay. Yeah." I said.

Jack's POV

We sat there , just taking deep breaths. Finally i caught my breath. " So...... I have no idea what to do." Mark looked at me and said," well that makes two of us." I sat there thinking of what to do. I could sleep. But that was impossible. Already had coffee so there wasn't a chance of that. "You wanna watch a movie?" Mark asked quietly. "Yeah sure, i got nothing else to do." Mark scrambled for his backpack and managed to grab a dvd. He slipped the dvd into his computer and the movie begun to play. "What are we watching?" i said puting one of the earbuds into my ear while mark put the other one in his own ear. Mark blushed and whispered, " the titanic. i had nothing else. " I looked at mark and laughed quietly. " okay then ye bastard! The titanic we shall watch!" I said trying not to be super loud.
We were almost done with the movie when i saw mark slump into his seat and his eyes shut. He was breathing lightly and quietly. I gently took off his glasses . I didn't know what to do with them. I was bored so i put them on. Everything was a blur. "Jeezus mark, you're blind as fuck." i whispered to myself." Apparently mark was still awake. I looked over at him to see him with his eyes still shut but he was grinning. Then he said in a soft mellow voice, " no, shit...sherlock." i giggled and reached over to mess up marks hair. i ran my hand through his hair roughly. Mark opened his eyes and grabbed my wrist. "No you're gonna mess up my hair!!!!!" He whispered loudly. I took my other hand and tried to mess up his hair but he grabbed that hand by the wrist also. "Awwwwe come on markimoo! Lemme get at that beautiful floof of yours!"i said laughing. " Never!" Mark said letting go of my wrists and then reached into his backpack. While he was rummaging through his backpack i was messing up his hair again. He had a frown on his face. Finally he pulled out his black beanie. He pushed me away and put the beanie on over his now messed up floof. I looked at him with a pouty face. he smirked and said, "Ha!" I grabbed his beanie and pulled it down over his face. We were laughing quietly. i gave mark his glasses back and we finished the movie. At the end mark grabbed my hand playfully and said, " jack don't let go jack." I laughed at pulled his hand to my chest. " Rose , ye dipship, scoot over i can fit on that board also." I said in a soft voice. I let go of his hand and he pulled it back into his lap. Soon i felt myself drift off into sleep.

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