Chapter 9

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Jack's POV

It was morning. My eyes fluttered open. I was in marks bed. I turned over to see mark sitting up right with his mouth open and eyes closed. He was sleeping. I got up and walked quietly and got some clean clothes and went to the bathroom. When i came back Mark was now slumped over and facedown on the bed. Should i wake him up? I asked myself. aw screw it. I jumped on the bed and sat on marks back. "Ooof!" Mark said. "TOP OF THE MORNING TO YE LADDIE!!" I yelled. Mark rolled over causing me to fall beside him. He gave my arm soft punch and said,"you irish bastard." i pouted and said,"owwwwww!!!!! Markimoo! That hurt mer poor wittle arm!" He sat up and rolled his eyes. Then smirked like an idiot. "What?" i asked. "Nuthin." Mark said laughing. "WHAT!?" I shouted. "This." Mark said digging his fingers into my sides. "NO NOT AGAIN PLEASE NOOOO!" I screamed while laughing. "This is what happens when you wake Markiplier from his beauty sleep!" Mark said still tickling me"IM SORRY MARKIMOO I WILL NEVER EVER AGAIN WAKE YOU UP FROM YOUR OH SO IMPORTANT BEAUTY SLEEP!" I lied. Mark stopped and got up. He grabbed my hands and pulled me up.

Mark's POV
"Hey, im gonna go get dressed and then we can go check out that apartment." I said happily. "okay!" Jack said. I walked over to my dresser and grabbed one of my hoodies and some blue jeans. Jack walked out of my room and i got changed.
We walked into the apartment. It was almost exactly like mine but alot neater and prettier. We walked through the apartment. 2 bathrooms , 1 bedroom, a kitchen and living area. As we were walking out Jack grabbed a application. "So you like it?" I asked. Jack smirked and said,"well duh! Of course! No dur that i grabbed a application! " We walked back to my apartment and i grabbed my keys and opened the door.
"Yes ma, i know it's very far away from ye, yes, I promise I'll visit, okay ya, thanks ma, love ya too. Bye." Jack was saying to his mother on his phone. He hung up and i looked up from my phone. "Well?" I said eagerly. "Shes good with it!" Jack said smiling. "Dude that's awesome! You know that there are so many things we can do now! Remember when we were talking bout that band idea!? We could do that and we could do sketches with cyndago and do things with the grumps and-" i was saying but was cut of by Jack saying, " woah woah mark, calm ye self. You sound more excited than me!" Jack was laughing and i blushed.
"Okay so i gotta get my ticket back to ireland and talk to the owner of my apartment and get all my stuff shipped to here." Jack said. "jeez jack calm down you know you can relax for atleast a while before we get this thing on a roll." I said a little worried. "Heh sorry my need to get work done is very strong." Jack said sitting down next to me.

Jack's POV
I collapsed onto the couch next to mark. I closed my eyes took a deep breath and mark said," Jack i got an idea to make this move you know quicker." i opened my eyes and looked at mark. "What is it?" I asked. " How bout i go with you to ireland. I can help you out with your things." Mark said smiling. "Mark! Are you crazy!? I don't want you to spend your money on a ticket to ireland for nothing!" I said. "Im not wasting my money. It's for a good reason! It's for YOU." Mark said. I sighed and said,"okay mark. You win once again." Mark smiled and turned on the Tv.

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