Chapter 16

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Mark's POV

We had just gotten back to L.A. and Jack was being handed his keys to his new apartment right next to mine. We then walked to my apartment door. "Well I can't stay in the apartment yet untill my furniture gets delivered so i guess im staying with you!" Jack said. I looked at him and gave him a dirty look. " What!? Why!? Couldn't you just sleep on the floor? I don't want your nasty irish ass in my apartment!" I said sarcastically. Jack then smiled and made a pouty face. " Aweee okay then. Jackaboy won't stay wit you. I'll just be that hobo that lives in a apartment with no furniture." He said in a high voice, then he began walking down the hall to his apartment. Laughing i yelled," NOO JACKKKK YOU CAN'T DO THIS! DON'T EVER LET ME GO!!!!" Jack then whipped his head around and started running back. He was running directly for me. I then said,"Wait Jac-" but was cut off because of him grabbing me and carrying me in bridal style. He looked down at me with my surprised face and said,"What? You didn't think i could carry you like this?" I laughed and said," Actually.....yeah." Jack frowned and then said," ohh so is that how it is? " Suddenly i was falling to the ground. "owww! Jack why'd you drop me!?" I said. He looked down at me and laughed and said,"oops! My hands slipped!" He then helped me up and i opened the door to my apartment.

Jack's POV

We were very very tired. I walked over to the couch and plunked down on my back. Mark then came over and while saying,"Hey! Lemme sit too!" I groaned and sat up. Mark smiled and said thanks. We turned on the T.V. And watched it for awhile. Mark was getting sleepy. He then stood up and said he was going to sleep. I nodded then said," i think I'm gonna go take a breather outside."He rubbed his eyes and mumbled," okay.. Just don't forget my keys. " then he threw his keys at me. I caught them and said thanks.
I walked out onto the sidewalk with my hands in my pockets. I leaned my back on a wall and closed my eyes. This was now my new home. No more Ireland. No more rain every single day. My thoughts were suddenly interrupted by a black haired girl with green dye at the ends. She wore a purple hoodie and light blue skinny jeans, along with black converse. She looked up at me and said quietly," um excuse me, uhhh i just wanted to say...that uhh i really love your beanie, and uhhh do you mind me asking where you got it?," she was starting to panic slighy," i uh um sorry for randomly coming up like this." She then stared down at the ground. I smiled and said."Ha it's alright. You know sometimes you just gotta do what you gotta do!" She looked up as if she was surprised. Now i could see her eyes. They were very green with specs of amber. " you're irish?" She asked. " heh. Yeah. Wonder how you guessed that, ha." I said. She giggled and shyly smiled. I then held my hand out. "The names Sean." I said. She shook my hand and said," I'm Vegas. And yeah it's like the place." I brought my hand back to my side and said." That's an awesome name in my opinion." She laughed and said shut up playfully. "Hey, im kinda new here and know like nobody so could i have your number? Maybe we could hang sometimes." I said. She smiled and said sure. We then exchanged numbers. It was then when I realized how beautiful she was.

Mark's POV

I tossed and turned in my bed. My window was opened and i could hear Jack talking to somebody. Since Jack was very loud i could not sleep. I finally decided to see who he was talking to. I walked over to the window and looked down. I saw Jack shaking hands with a girl. Then i heard him ask for her number. Suddenly i felt a burst of anger run through me. Why am i feeling like this? It's not like Jack and i are together or anything. But still. Was I jealous? I watched her walk away. He was smiling watching her walk away. Then he turned around and begun walking back inside. I climbed back in bed with the feeling of anger rushing in me.

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