Chapter 17

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Mark's POV

i woke up to the sun shinning through my window. I sat up and stretched. I then remembered jack and the girl he met last night. I sighed and walked out into the living area. I saw Jack sitting at a barstool typing away while smiling. I walked over and begun making coffee. I looked at him with a frown and said quietly,"uhh, good morning." He continued to smile and look down at his phone and type. Irritated I then said louder, " GOOD MORNING!" Startled, Jack jumped and dropped his phone on the floor. He just stared at me and said," oh hey mark. Mornin!" I reached down and picked up his phone. I looked at it. He was texting a contact called Vegas. As soon as i looked at the phone Jack snatched it from me and stuffed it in his pocket. I stared at him with a frown. He then blushed and smiled nervously. " So whos Vegas?" I said while pouring myself a cup of coffee. Jack looked down then back up at me and said,"uhh a friend." I took a sip of coffee and watched him look everywhere but at me. " why are you nervous while I'm talking to you about this Vegas? " i asked. "N-nervous? Ha no no I'm not nervous! Of coursr not!" He said stuttering. I rolled my eyes and said, " Come on man, we're friends! Tell me bout this Vegas!" He blushed and smiled. " She's this beautiful girl with black hair with green tips, and ohhh , these breath taking green eyes. I met her last night. She was so friendly and nice!" He said with joy. After hearing that it was the girl he met last night my mood got worse. Annoyed i sighed and said,"so you like her alot?" Jack looked up at me and blushed. " yeah mark. I think I'm in love with her. I can't stop thinking bout her. " he said softly. I slammed my coffee down with anger, causing some to spill. Jack looked at me and said,"what's wrong? You okay?" Lying i looked at him and said," shit i just remembered i gotta go call my mom i missed her call last night when i was sleeping! If I don't call her back she's gonna worry!" I ran passed Jack and into my bedroom slamming the door behind me.

Jack's POV

I watched as Mark slammed the door behind him. How weird of him. My phone then begun to ring. I took it out of my pocket and answered. " hello?" I asked."Hey Sean it's me Vegas!" She said happily. I blushed and said," oh hey Vegas! What's up?" It turns out she wanted to meet me for coffee. I accepted her offer and was gonna meet her there in an hour. I walked over and knocked on Marks door. I heard him yell come in. Mark was in the middle of getting dressed. His button up shirt wasn't  buttoned up so you could see his torso and he was just pulling his jeans on over his knees so i could see his underwear. I blushed and tried not to stare. "You know i could have waited im not in a hurry or anything." He finally pulled his pants all the way up and didn't bother to button up his shirt. "Oh no, it's fine. So what's up?" He said while coming over to me.  " Umm im gonna go meet Vegas at the coffee shop. " i said. He seemed to be annoyed. He sighed , then said ok. I said good bye and headed off to the coffee shop.

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