Chapter 11

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Mark's POV

We at last got to Ireland. The happy place was beautiful! "man maybe I'm the one who should be moving." I said looking around. Jack laughed and yelled for a taxi. Startled , a taxi driver drove right up. We got into the car and drove off. As we drove , i saw the many shops ,restaurants and saw many pubs. " To be honest Jack, I thought this place would be more exciting. I mean the way you describe it in your tweets is crazy!" Jack laughed and said, " Mark, you weirdo, its not 24/7 that this place is crazy!" We laughed and were quiet the rest of the way. We finally arrived at his apartment. He showed me around the place and surprisingly it was huge. "Wow this is actually a huge apartment." I said. " Ye think I'm poor?" jack said laughing. I blushed. " no.." I said. "Well i wonder where we should start" Jack started saying, but I interrupted him saying, "Jack calm your self! You just got home! Relax! Your not wasting time, come and sit down with me, just talk to me man, be not productive for once. Okay?" Jack put his right hand on his hip and scratched the back of his head with the other. He sighed and took my hand and pulled me over to his couch. When he grabbed my hand , it surprised me and i jumped a little, but Jack didn't seem to notice so i let him pull me. We sat down. Jack looked at me. I looked at him. I was studying his eyes. He had wide, baby blue eyes, that shimmered. After a few seconds i heard Jack yelling, " Mark? Hey Mark! Hello? Where ye at man?" I woke up from the trance, and said in a panic," ohh uhh yeah hi." I felt rosebuds of red rise on my cheeks. "What were ye doing?" Jack asked cocking his head like puppy. Surprisingly i told the truth, but in a way I shouldn't have. "Your eyes, they beautiful, anyone can get lost in them." i said in a soft voice. Jack laughed nervously, " oh. really?" He said.

Jack's POV

As soon as Mark mentioned that my eyes were beautiful my heart skipped a beat. He must be just playing around, i mean it's markimoo, he jokes around all the time. "oh. Really?" I said laughing nervously. All of a sudden i felt myself staring into his almond shaped eyes. " Ye know.. people can get lost in your eyes also." I said without thinking. Before mark was blushing a little but now he was red. "yeah." He said looking down. " But really!" I said. " Take off your glasses." Mark took off his glasses and looked at me. I cupped his face and brought him closer. I could feel his breath on my face. I studied his eyes.

Mark's POV

Jack's warm hands were on my face. He was cupping my face. He studied my eyes quietly. I stayed quiet and felt his breath against my face. Suddenly my weight was dominant. We were falling over onto the couch. Jack landed on his back. I managed to catch myself so I wouldn't fall on him. There we were. I was above jack, my hands on each side of him , his body was strait on the couch. From above i just looked down at his face beneath me. Jack broke the silence by laughing. I joined in and fell over off the couch onto the floor. "Hahaha, we ha are so fucking stupid ha!" I said laughing rolling on the ground. Jack was sitting up laughing at me now. He fell back down on the couch and next thing i knew was that he fell off the couch and landed ontop of me. We both made a weird noise as our stomachs hit each others. "Owwwwww" i said still giggling. Jack joined in and relaxed in top of me. jack was sideways ontop of me not face to face. He was holding his head up with his hands. " GET OFF MEEHHHHHH!!!" I yelled in a goofy voice. " Ye know this is comfortable, i think i may just chill here." Jack said smirking. "OH NO YOU DONT!" I yelled sitting up. Jack was now in my lap on his back. "hi." he said in a small voice. I grabbed him by his shoulders and pulled him up so he was sitting up still in my lap. His back was against my chest. I wrapped my arms around him and put my head on his shoulder. "What are ye doing ye bastard!? Jack said giggling. "nothing" i said smirking while placing my hands on each side of his waist.

Jack's POV

I could feel Mark's palms agaisnt my waist. Then his fingers. Suddenly he was tickling me once AGAIN.

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