Chapter 8

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Jack's POV
I did something i never thought i would do before. It just happened. So fast. So quickly. I kissed Mark. The force of me throwing my self onto him caused us to fall flat on the bed. I was on top of him. I was cupping his face and kissing him. At first he wasn't kissing me back but after a couple seconds he began to kiss back. His hand moved to the back of my head. We were lost in the moment. Not knowing what was happening. We continued. I was happy. It felt so right.

Mark's POV
Our lips in sync. We were kissing softly. I ran my hand through his hair. His lips were soft. They moved so smoothly. After a moment. He broke away to breath. I opened my eyes. Jack slid over next to me laying his head on my shoulder. I felt his breath on my neck. I put my arm around him and kissed his head. " Mark..thank you for being here for me. I don't know what i would do without you. Your just....a great person. A great friend. And i love that about u." Jack said softly. " Jack?" I said. "Yeah?" he said looking up at me. "I love you Jack."

Jack's POV
He loves me. Mark loves me. I stare at him and smile. " Mark. I love ye to ye bastard." He looks at me blushing but smiling cutely. He cupped my face a kissed me a little. "What the fuck are we doing?" Mark says laughing. "Uh friendly kiss? I mean. I really don't know. I guess i just needed somebody." i said quietly. I sat up and said,"Mark, I realized, I don't want to be alone. I feel like ill breakdown again" i said. Mark looked at me and said,"Jack how do u feel bout moving from ireland, to LA?"

Mark's POV
Jack's eyes we huge. He looked shocked and confused. "Move. Here?" He said. "Umm yeah. I mean not here in my apartment but there is an apartment next to my place that is up for rent. I figured that possibly we could be neighbors. You know so if i needed you or if you needed me we could be there for each other." I said nervously. What if he thought i was crazy? I realized it was stupid but suddenly jack smiled and said," you know mark, i would love that. How bout tomorrow we go check it out?" I couldn't believe it. He actually thought it was a good idea? What? "Re-really?!" I said sounding way too happy. He giggled and said "yeah"

Jack's POV
Mark looked so happy. I was so happy. It was as if the pain disappeared. I felt good. I suddenly thought about the kisses we shared. They didn't mean anything did they? It was just good friend kisses. Isnt that okay? I was sitting there thinking to my self when Mark said,"jack? Earth to jack!" I looked at him. "Oh heh sorry just zoning off" i said.
We got up had lunch and sat down to record some videos together. After a couple videos we edited them together laughing at our stupid and silly moments. I was starting to get really tired. I could barely move my mouse anymore. So tired. I felt my self fall into a deep sleep.

Mark's POV
BANG! I looked over to see jack asleep on his computer. His hair all sticking up, his hand still on his mouse, his eyes closed , his pale skin , flushed with red. He was adorable.
I wasn't going to leave him like that. So carefully i leaned him back upright on his chair, making sure not to wake him. i picked him up slowly, bridal style and carried the irish man to my room. I laid him down on the bed as gently as I could. I pulled the blankets over him. He was so adorable. I sat on the bed beside him. I stroked his back slowly. Following the movement of his breaths. I felt tired then. I could feel my self falling into a happy sleep.

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