Chapter 15

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Mark's POV

I woke up to the sound of rain. Hard rain. I grunted and was about to get up when i realized that Jack was sleeping on me. His head was on my shoulder and his arms were around me. I stared for a little then slowly grabbed his arms and put them on his own lap. He made a tiny noise and in his sleep. Then i took a pillow cushion and moved is head onto it. Lucky he did not wake up. I got up and tired toed quietly across the hard wood floor to the kitchen. I grabbed a mug and started the coffee maker. After the coffee was done, i poured some into my mug and then grabbed another mug and poured some coffee in it too. I then heard Jack mumble something. I walked over with a cup of coffee in each hand. I saw that his eyes were still closed. "what did ya say?" i asked. He opened his eyes and smiled at me. "Gimme dat coffee lad." he said. I looked at him and then looked at the coffee in my hands. "oh these?" i said then taking a sip of one. "yeah at least one of those." he said scratching his head. I lifted the second cup of coffee to my lips. "hey!' jack yelled as he reached over and grabbed the coffee out of my hand. I laughed and sat down next to him. "sooooooooo....." i said. "What?" Jack said. " i dunno." i said shrugging. We sat there and did nothing but sip our coffee and play on our phones.

Finally around noon, we decided to get up and continue packing the rest of his stuff. Jack stretched and yawned loudly. "I'm gonna go get changed, be right back."I nodded and he walked away into his room closing the door behind him. I grabbed the empty mugs of coffee and walked to the kitchen sink and started cleaning the mugs. After a few minutes i heard the bedroom door swing open. Jack walked out with a brush in his hand. He was in light blue jeans and a markiplier shirt. I laughed and asked,"is that a markiplier shirt i see you wearing?" He looked at me and then at his shirt. " Well of course! I mean i wanna support my buddy!" He said smiling. I then begun to put the mugs in a box full of kitchen ware. Jack saw that I was putting the rest of the kitchen stuff away , then ran the brush through his hair quickly , then grabbed the packaging tape. He walked over to me and had me hold the flaps of the box down while he taped it tight. After he taped it he put one hand on his hip and spun the tape on his finger. He then looked up at me and said, " well we have everything in the boxes now. All we need to do is call the movers to get the boxes and get our plane tickets back to L.A." I then asked him," you gonna miss this place?" He smiled and said," yeah alittle but, I'm excited! There are so many opportunities down there in L.A. And it will be awesome cause i will have friends! Cause you know i got lonely up here." I then said "Good to know Jack. I have a feeling this is gonna be a good time." I walked over to him slowly with my arms out. He saw i was offering a hug. He then wrapped his arms around me, while i did the same to him. We stood there hugging each other untill we couldn't stand anymore.

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