Chapter 3

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Mark's POV

i slowly open my eyes. "Where am i?" i ask to my self. I fully open my eyes and see that jacks sleeping peacefully next to me still in my flannel. I sit up and notice that jacks hand was on my shoulder. I take his hand to put it down on the bed. His hands are cold and soft. My hand fits perfectly in his. I put his hand down and cover him up. As i start walking to the kitchen i wonder what happened last night. I go to my coffee maker and start brewing some coffee.

Suddenly i hear jack. Jack yells," I SMELL COFFFEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!"

Jack's POV

I get up and run into the kitchen yelling,"HEEEERRREEE COMEESS JAAAAAACK!"

Mark looks at me and starts laughing like an idiot. After the coffee is finally brewed i stop running in circles around the kitchen.

"Sugar?" mark asks.




"Nothing!?" mark says shocked.

"Have you ever even watched my videos? I don't like anything in my coffee. Wow your such a good friend Mark." i say sarcastically. Mark looks at me and shrugs. I take my coffee. I notice its a jacksepticeye mug. I smiled and looked at mark. "You bought one of my mugs?" i ask. Mark looks and me and smiles back. "Well duh!" mark says. As we sit down and talk for a little mark asks me something."Um Jack what happened last night? i mean i woke up next to you which is well sorta weird." he says seriously. I suddenly remember last night at the bar.

"Well let's just say you had way too much to drink and got drunk then started being weird. You tried making me be jack from the titanic and you rose. It kinda had me worried about you." i said and blushed slightly. Mark looked at me with a red face. His face was puffy. "I....I'm sorry Jack. I should have told you before."He said. I became concerned and asked,"Tell me what?" He looked at me and and sat next to me. I looked at him directly in the face.

Mark's POV

I sighed and said,"Jack. You know how i told you that time that i don't really do well with alcohol?" he nodded. "Well.....iv'e been doing really bad when i drink it. I get drunk so easily these days. I am really sorry i didn't tell you before." I felt tears burning in my eyes. Jack looked at me. "oh Mark. You could have told me before." Jack said softly. Then he reached for my hand. "it's okay mark. I understand. " he smiled softly. I couldn't help it. I grabbed Jack and hugged him.

Jack's POV

Shock ran through me because of the sudden grab at my body. I was being held by Marks strong muscular arms. first i felt tense but then i relaxed. I hugged him back saying it's okay. Mark was sobbing into my chest. i stoked his hair. He then looked up at me. Puffy red cheeks, bloodshot eyes , and tears streaming down his cheeks."Thank you jack. Thanks for being here for me. I don't know what i would do with out you man." Mark said calmly. I smiled. He smiled. We broke away from each other. "So. um I'm going to go take a shower and just refresh. You know." he said looking down. "Okay i get it." i said. Mark got up gave me a small smile and walked away to the bathroom.

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