Chapter 18

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Mark's POV

Jack walked out of my room and closed the door. I just stood there and stared. I felt tears burning in my eyes. I turned around and flung myself onto my bed. I repeatedly punched my pillow over and over again. I then stopped and cried into my pillow. First heavy sobs , then softer. " What am i doing?" I mumbled to myself. I was confused. Why am i being so jealous? Im not even with Jack, as a couple. Why do i have these feelings? Then the truth came to me. I was in love with jack. I sat up and stared into nothingness. I was zoning off. My vison slowly begun to blur. The next thing i knew was that i fainted.

Jack's POV

I walked into the coffee shop to see Vegas sitting at a booth , smiling and waving at me. I smiled back and walked over to her. She got up and hugged me softly. We said our hellos and ordered some coffee. " so....sean tell me about yourself! " she said sweetly. " i know this is kinda weird but for a living, i make videos on youtube." I said looking down. She gave me a weird look and said," not those kind of videos right?" I looked up and blushed then quickly said," No no! Hell no! I play video games ha." She smiled and laughed. "Haha good or else that would just be AKWARD!" She said. We laughed and talked more for the rest of the time. After an hour we decided it was time to go. We walked out of the coffee house and begun to say our goodbyes. " well i guess this is good bye! " she said cheerfully. Realizing that she was about to walk home alone I quickly said." Wait. Umm how bout I walk you home?" She looked up at me and said," ohh please, don't worry, it's fine! You don't have to!" I shook my head and refused not to. She finally agreed and let me. We begun walking down the street. " it's really not that far. Just like one more minute away." She said. I nodded and soon we arrived at a little yellow house. We stood infront of it and finally said our goodbyes. " so cya later." I said smiling. Then she looked up at me and starred  at me straight in the eyes. She then got on her tippy toes and kissed me on the cheek softly. We blushed and she begun walking to her door. I suddenly yelled, " Wait Vegas!" I started running towards her. I stopped infront of her and she looked up at me confused and begun to say," what is it se-" but was cut off by my lips colliding with hers. ( just for you @

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