I came to see you

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Y/n's p.o.v

"I'm not kidding Cherri! The infamous radio demon was in my shop earlier!"

"Well, why do you sound so shocked? He is a cannibal after all."

I rolled my eyes at her remark. Why was I the only one freaking out about this? I twirled my hair around my finger and rolled over on my bed staring out my open window. A red hue shining in the dark room leaving an ominous reflection of dancing shadows on my walls.

"What if he comes back tomorrow? What should I do? I mean I reacted like a typical demon that he probably sees everyday. I'm such a pussy Cherri." I whined. I could hear her laugh on the other end.

"Don't be so embarrassed y/n. Alastor is one of the most powerful overlords in hell. I think anyone would shake in their boots when coming face to face with him. Although, he is kind of attractive don't you think?"

I cringed hard. The radio demon attractive? Double ew!

"Cherri, you're freaking weird." We both laughed and talked for a few more minutes before I wished her goodnight and ended the call. I sighed and placed my arms behind my head staring up at the ceiling. Maybe I wanted the radio demon to visit tomorrow. I wasn't sure what for though. He isn't even my type. Not to mention from what I've heard he's ace. I rubbed my eyes and turned on my side noticing the pocket watch on my night stand. The one thing that fell to hell with me when I died was my great grandfather's pocket watch. It gleamed a beautiful gold and had unique designs engraved on the front. The chain laid underneath it fragilely. A small smile crept on my face. I never met the man but I've heard stories. As my grandfather would always say; that son of a bitch was a good cop killing that monster back then.

I shook my head at the memory. I never got to ask him what he meant by monster but hey. I guess it's better that way. I yawned and stretched my arms out pulling the blanket over my body. Sleep began to steal me away and I pressed into it. Another work day waiting to greet me in the morning.


I yawned and bent backward cracking my back.

"Jesus y/n, that's the hundredth yawn I've heard from you today. You that bored of me?" My boss chuckled and I grinned at him.

"Sorry Vic. I did a lot of tossing and turning last night." It was true. Once I had fallen asleep nightmares repeatedly haunted my peace. Alastor kept creeping into my dreams. He would enter the butcher shop and then slaughter me to use me as food. I shivered at the thought and pushed it to the back of my mind. I didn't need to think about that right now.

"Don't worry about it kid. I'm just messing with ya." Vic winked at me and I felt a blush creep onto my cheeks. Honestly, a lot of women looked at Vic as attractive. He was tall and lean. Gorgeous tan skin littered with tattoos and dark brown hair with orange highlights. His one eye had a black sclera with a gold iris while his other glimmered a vibrant forest green with a slit iris. Whenever he flexed his arms the muscles were more defined. The only thing that actually made him obvious to be a demon were the spikes that protruded from the center of his back going down his spine. It reminded me of a dinosaur. As much as I'd be down to be drilled by my own boss it was obvious that it could never happen. He was way out of my league. I pouted and heard the bell of the front door jingle.

"Hey pretty lady!"

Ugh, it's Aro..again. I put on my fakest widest smile. "Hey there! What can I get ya today? Same as yesterday?" Aro smiled wide and leaned over the counter. "Well, I would like you instead but the beauty just don't want my company." He let out a gravelly laugh before coughing. I chuckled awkwardly and subtly rolled my eyes.

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