Dont apologize, just kiss me

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((This chapter is going to go into the past a bit of Alastor and I guess you could say my oc before he died in hell. None of this has anything to do with the real Alastor. I just want to add context to the story so it's fits the plot better.))

Alastor's p.o.v

The moment we made our way back to the hotel I stretched my long legs up the flight of stairs to my office. Y/n called to me from the front door but I ignored her. I reached my door and slammed it open, tugging at my coat and tie taking them both off and throwing them onto the bed. I swung my arm out and my bedroom door closed. I huffed with gritted teeth and marched over to my recliner dropping down in it exhausted.

"Pour me a shot of whisky would you, shadow?"

My shadow revealed himself from behind my chair and made his way over to the stacked shot glasses.

"Do you know how y/n knows about Ame-"

"Shut up!" I hissed. I got up from the chair and stormed over to the double doors of my office opening them aggressively and walked out onto the balcony. The breeze lightly blew my hair across my face and for once in my sinful life here in hell my smile had dissipated. I covered my face with both of my hands and dropped to my knees.

Smile Alastor. Remember what mother always said? You're never fully dressed without one. I lifted my head and looked up at the Smokey sky before letting out a psychotic laugh. Every muscle in my face stretched far and wide causing my cheeks to hurt. I tore my monocle off my face and threw it against the wall causing it to shatter in millions of fractured broken pieces. My shadow watched from afar shaking his head knowing that y/n had finally found a way to tear me down. God damn you Rosie for telling the girl about my life. She had no right to take it in her own hands to say something. My shadow came out onto the balcony carrying a whole bottle of whisky and placed it in front of my face.

"I thought you'd like this instead."

I chuckled and stood up grasping onto the cool glass. "Thank you my friend." I tilted the bottle back and chugged a few mouthfuls of the syrupy liquid. I felt it burn down my throat and I about gagged. I leaned over the railing of the balcony and watched smoke as well as lights flash and flicker over pentagram city in the distance. My shadow sat on the railing and eyed me silently. I peered over at him and rolled my eyes.

"You want to say something I can tell. Get it over with."

"I already know the answer but I want to hear it from you. Why are you still sensitive about Amelia?"

I tensed up and took another swig of the alcohol before taking a seat at the small glass table in the corner. It was silent a few moments but I finally decided to speak up. "I truly loved that woman. The moment we met actually I fell head over heels for her. Fair skin, dark brown hair and doe-like eyes. Wide and innocent. She was the perfect definition of a deer. Soft and fragile."

The perfect prey.

"It didn't start off as real love. Or at least the type of love that most couples feel for one another. No no..this love was more so the desire to watch if her reactions as I tortured her were the same as that of a deer. The moment I laid eyes on her at the theatre I knew I'd have her. Such a fragile woman being alone on a late Friday night was a foolish decision and yet she kept eying me. Even though knowing how dangerous it can be in New Orleans on an evening like that night. Of course the infamous serial killer was out about too." I laughed at the thought. How silly was it that I the killer could simply smile in people's faces and they had no clue that their death awaited them. I shook my head. My shadow crossed his arms and tilted his head.

Deal maker-Alastor X femreader Where stories live. Discover now