Nightmare and a call

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((My art at top))

Alastor's p.o.v

"So, what now?" My shadow asked hovering beside me as we strolled on back to the hotel. What now? I wasn't quite sure. All I knew was it would now be y/n's obligation to follow through with anything that I had set in place for her to do. Although, then again I have one idea on how to make her of use to me.

"I believe we'll be greeting Lucifer with a surprise visit tomorrow." I spoke in distaste. Fooling that man was to easy. King of hell was such a ridiculous reputation in my own terms. Especially for a clown such as himself. My shadow swarmed around me in question.

"Are you going to have the little demon do your dirty work? Sounds just like you Alastor." He chuckled humorously. I ignored his comment as the hotel came into view in the distance a dim glow illuminating the dirt road. Just a few more things to do before I had everything right at my feet and y/n is going to be the perfect bait.

Y/n's p.o.v

I repeatedly shifted my gaze to the phone sitting on my bed debating on calling Cherri to tell her my situation but knew if I did she'd reach her hands through the phone to kill me a second time. I walked over to my bedroom window and opened it wide. A nice breeze blew through my hair and I took in a deep breath smelling the sulfur of hell enter my nostrils. It brought back nostalgia.


"Aughh!" I spat out as my body slammed against the tough ground underneath me. I groaned loudly and rubbed the back of my head while I slowly sat up on my elbows squinting my eyes. Beings of all different sizes and species strolled around on the dirt ground not taking any notice to me. The strong scent of sulfur surrounded the air making my stomach churn. My eyes wandered sporadically trying to figure out if I was having a fever dream or just a bad shroom trip. I rubbed my eyes and felt my back stiffen as I tried to stand. Buildings lined up beside me and I caught glimpse of my appearance in the reflection of a window. I widened my eyes and started pulling at the skin on my face and then poking the sharp canines in my mouth.

No no no! What the hell is going on!?

I felt tears begin to fill my eyes before the door of a shop in front of me opened revealing a tall man with caramel coloured skin and tattoos.

"You okay kid?" He asked striding over toward me and kneeling down. I was to overwhelmed and confused to speak and instead responded with sobbing. The man seemed to have a look of sympathy in his eyes. "Hey now, let me help you up ok?" He wrapped his arm underneath me tugging me onto my feet as a spark of pain shot through my back. I winced and he dragged me into the shop he exited a moment ago.

Inside was small with a vending machine in a corner filled with what looked like soda but the names were weird. A large counter stood further back in the shop with a case filled with what looked to be fresh carved meat. The brown haired man sat me down at the single table by the door and I obliged as he stared at me a moment making me feel slightly awkward.

"You just fell huh?"

I raised my head more confusion washing over me. Duh I just fell! Why else would I be hurting?

Wait..i put my hand against my chest and stomach sliding it around and then looked down my torn up t-shirt. There were no stab wounds nor any sign of blood but instead dark scars.

"What.the.FUCK!?" I stood up quickly the pain in my back no longer disturbing me but now I was becoming manic.

"Hey! Chill out kid. Let me explain what's going on okay?" I turned my head to the tall man in front of me and glared daggers.

Deal maker-Alastor X femreader Where stories live. Discover now