Welcome to the hazbin hotel!

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Y/n's p.o.v

I groaned as the bright red light shined through the window onto my face, hurting my eyes. I turned to my side and pulled the pillow over my head. My body was so sore and I pulled my legs up to my chest in a fetal position. A woodsy spicy scent reached my nose and I breathed it in deeply enjoying it only to realize it was coming from the pillow. I shot my head up realizing that the scent was quite unfamiliar and opened my eyes looking around a very vintage styled bedroom. The walls were a light red painted color and the bed I laid on was a king size with red silk sheets. The scent of sandalwood and that same spicy scent lingered on my clothing. A work desk was sat across the room with a vintage bankers lamp and a candlestick telephone. I pulled my legs over hanging them on the edge of the mattress. Anxiety pulled at my heart strings as I got up wincing at how sore and stiff my bare feet were. Wait..bare feet? I looked around trying to find my shoes and let out a sigh of relief when I saw them near the bedroom door. What the hell happened last night? I bit at my lower lip feeling a bit of brain fog take over. All I could come up with was that I went out to eat with Vic and then Chris showed up..I found out my boss was just using me and so I quit. After that? Well, I had nothing. No memories were there in my head. I had no clue where I was at but I knew I needed to get away. I rushed for my shoes putting them on quickly and reached for the doorknob of the door before I heard it clack and open.

"Oh, good morning dear!"


Alastor walked in with a plate of bacon, eggs and toast with what looked like to be jam slathered on it; a glass of orange juice in his other hand. "I know you must be very confused and i will answer any questions you have once you're all cleaned up and fed." He placed down the plate and glass at a nearby table with a wooden chair then walked over to his closet. "I'm terribly sorry for any inconvenience that has been bestowed over you. I'm not quite sure what type of fashion you're into because as you can see my own has not changed one bit over a hundred years." He rummages around in his closet some more before pulling a bag out. "I do apologize if these don't fit. I have not been shopping for a woman in quite some time." He put the bag down on the bed and walked over to his desk sitting down, eying me with curiosity. "Eat my dear! There's much to do today and I wish to have you situated before noon." I raised my brow wondering what all he had planned for me today and where the hell I was but knew he wanted to wait so I frowned and trudged over to the plate of food not feeling hungry one bit. Although, I couldn't deny it smelled absolutely mouth watering. I dropped down on the chair sneaking peeks at the radio demon a few times while taking bird sized pieces of food in my mouth. I could see Him still staring at me and I couldn't help but to feel a tad vulnerable. I placed my fork down and looked at him directly.

"Could you at least stop staring at me? It's making me really uncomfortable."

Alastor's eyes widened as if he were shocked by his own actions. He looked down at the desk grabbing paperwork from one of his drawers and began writing on them with a feathered ink pen. What in the world was that all about?

"It's to quiet in here." I heard a staticky voice whine. I shot my head over toward the buck irritated thinking it was him but he had the same expression. I looked around the room confused and then back at Alastor. Was he fucking with me? I took another bite of my toast and a shadowy hand reached out settling itself in front of me on the table. I slowly looked up seeing a wide toothy grin and red eyes peering down at me. I jumped tipping my glass of juice and fell of my chair causing the shadowy figure to laugh. Alastor quickly got up rushing over to my aid and pulled me up by my arm.

"What are you doing!?" He growled through gritted teeth. The shadow shrugged his shoulders and was picking at his teeth. The buck sat me back on the chair and with a snap of his fingers the spilt juice was gone.

Deal maker-Alastor X femreader Where stories live. Discover now