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Hey ya'll. So, I hope you're enjoying the story so far. The updates on this story are probably going to be a tad slower than my last just because I want to actually take my time and make this good. I read a lot of other fanfics to get an idea on use of words so that I can make this story as great as possible. (No I don't mean I'm stealing story ideas. I just want to use more grammar and better words lol) I know I kind of rushed my last Alastorxreader fanfic sooo yeah 😅

ALSO, I think I'm just going to stick with (your p.o.v) and (Alastor's p.o.v) I wanted to try and make things a little different with this story but p.o.v's seem to work best. Oh and I'm not going to lie I already have a third idea for an Alastorxreader story but that'll wait til I'm done with this one. I'm working on the next chapter so it should be posted soonish. 😝

I hope you all enjoy this story and if you haven't already check out my other Alastor fanfic~show me what love is~


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