Used and hopeless

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((Ya'll, this is going to be the absolute longest chapter I've ever written in my life. I wanted to put as much detail in as possible so holy shit get ready! My art at top))

Vox's p.o.v

"I can't believe I got it!" I cackled with an angelic spear in my hand. Blue lightening sparked from the tip of the blade and a blue aura glowed gently around the handle. This was finally my chance! I could now end my contract with Valentino and destroy Alastor! I'll have the upper hand this time around. The extermination will be an absolute breeze. I sat in front of my computer desk filled with millions of wires and several computers. I placed the spear on my lap and debated on what to do next. When would be the right time? I can't just run up to them both and kill them.


I sighed and got up from my desk shoving the spear into a nearby closet and opened the door to my office. A petite and short female secretary stood with an envelope in hand with a red wax seal on it.

"So sorry to disturb you Mr.Vox sir, but there is a letter for you from Lucifer himself." She placed her hand out and I swiped the letter from her quickly.

"Thank you doll. You can go now." She nodded her head and scurried away. I closed the door and walked back over to my desk tearing open the envelope swiftly. A single white card fell out onto the table and I picked it up reading it.

My dear friend,
     I am having a royal ball here at my prestigious mansion in two weeks on a Saturday at six thirty pm. I have invited you to attend in your utmost fanciest attire. Please do not be late and bring a bottle of your best wine.

                   Lucifer Morningstar

I smiled wide and placed the card in one of the drawers. This is perfect. If I've been invited that also means that the other overlords have been as well. Oh yes. This is good indeed.

Y/n's p.o.v

"So, do you want to tell me what the hell that was all about y/n?" Vic asked as soon as I walked back in the shop. I sighed and sat at the only table by the door pressing my head against it. I was doomed. I make good money here but not like the royal do. How would I even fit in? I can't afford a nice dress! I'm going to be eaten alive.

"Y/n?" I raised my head up from the table and looked up at Vic with a depressed look to my happy features. "What happened? You look awful." He frowned worriedly.

"Thanks. Tell me something I don't know.." I wanted to share with my boss the reason for my sudden drop in moods but it would only cause more issues. "He just wanted to tell me that the princess of hell heard about me and was curious if I wanted to check out her hotel. Of course I said no."

"why do you seem so down about it then?"

"Um, because it's the radio demon? Am I supposed to be happy that I got to talk to him?"

Vic laughed at my comment. "No, you're right. I'm sorry kiddo." He patted my head and began to walk away before I called out to him.

"Hey Vic?" He turned around an eyebrow raised. "Um..I know this might sound weird but could you put your hand back on my head?" I squeezed my eyes shut and covered my face embarrassed. My boss stared a moment before laughing hard and came back over to me pulling a chair up beside me and sitting down.

"You don't have to be so awkward about it y'know. It's kind of cute." He places his hand back onto my head and played with a few strands of my hair. The heat on my face was so hot I almost wanted to die right there. He just called me..cute? I took in a shaky breath enjoying his physical contact and peered up at him through my fingers. Vic had a look of contentment on his face and was looking at me softly.

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