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((Hello my lovelies! So um, yes this is a an Alastor x reader fanfic but I thought I'd make it a little more detailed with more juiciness. Angst, love rivalry, angels and well..obviously a typical normal rivalry. Please enjoy:)))

??? P.o.v

"I want all my guards up here now!!" The figure on the throne barked loudly causing the throne room to rumble. Servants scattered around tense and fear in their eyes. The heavy golden doors opened to the room and five eight foot soldiers entered with massive swords and large white wings. The one in the center walked up and kneeled at the throne.

"My lord, I apologize for the late entrance. We were caught up by a complicated situation."

"Stand up Micheal. No need for apologies. What was the situation?" The soldier now known as Micheal stood up tall and cleared his throat awkwardly.

"An overlord in hell by the name of vox sir. We were doing our routine checks around hell's outer gates to get ready for the extermination and he caught up with us trying to cause a scene." The other soldiers shuffled their feet without giving the man on the throne their eyes. The man tapped his fingers against the handles of his throne and leaned forward hovering over, much taller than Micheal.

"So? What happened then?"

Micheal swallowed hard, his Adam's Apple noticeably bobbing up and down. "W-well you see, Gabriel had placed down his Spear for just a moment and the t.v demon had grasped hold of it before disappearing."

"WHAT!?" The man stood up red in the face. "Do you realize the grave mistake you just made! The spears that you all hold are filled with powerful angelic magic. To have a demon grasp it; an overlord at that is going to cause a massive problem. You may be my loyal servants and best warriors but to have your own magic used against you could be fatal! Gabriel what were you thinking!?"

Gabriel whimpered and tensed up. "I'm very sorry god. I thought we were safe."

The man on the throne known as god sighed heavily and sat back down, face in hands. "This just won't do." He mumbled. The throne room doors slammed open loudly and an angel ran in panic on his face.

"S-sir, I have new information on the radio demon's plans!"

God looked up quickly and shooed the arch angels away. "We'll talk more about this later. Go rest now." The angels formed a line out the door before they closed.


"Sir, it would seem the radio demon has planned a royal ball with the permission of Lucifer Morningstar. Alastor plans on distracting him by making him believe he's been betrayed by another overlord to take the throne right from underneath him."

God straightened in his seat, thunder rumbling from his chest angrily. "That damned deer. Keep me updated arilo. We mustn't rush into anything yet."

"Of course sire."

Y/n's p.o.v

I hummed quietly to myself while restocking the shelves in front of the register counter with fresh meat. Vic came stumbling out with a tray overfilled with freshly sliced ham and beef noticing a smile on my face.

"You okay kiddo?"

I slowly looked up almost in a daze. "Hmm? Oh! I-I'm fine! Why wouldn't I be?" I watched as my boss slightly chuckled and shook his head.

"You just seem to be glowing today. More happy than usual. Anything I should know about?" He gave me a teasing grin. A blush quickly made its way to my face and I turned away embarrassed. Vic quickly took notice of this and placed the tray onto the counter before leaning against it a smug look on his face. "Sooo, who is he?"

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