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((This chapter has nothing to do with the Main story. It is simply a special chapter for all my lovely readers on this Christmas Day. Just a bit of fluff. Enjoy!))

Y/n's p.o.v

"Ughhh, for the last time y/n! Could ya shut the hell up. I'm tired of hearin' that damn Christmas crap." Angel placed his hands over his ears and glared at me while I sang jingle bell rock for the hundredth time today.

"Oh come on angel! Its such a good classic. You should be excited. Christmas is tomorrow and plus Charlie already said she's getting us all something special personally. Smile a bit, as Alastor always says you're never fully dressed without one!" I giggled and went back to decorating the tree which al himself decided to pick out. I've noticed though the closer Christmas has gotten the worse his mood's been. It's as if he can't stand the holiday. I've tried asking him about it but anytime the topic comes up he makes an excuse to disappear.

"Well, could you at least bring it down a notch.."

I mocked angel behind his back as Vaggie and Charlie came into the room wearing Santa hats and Charlie was carrying a large red bag.

"MERRY CHRISTMAS HOTEL FAMILY!!" she squealed happily. Angel groaned and stretched getting up from the couch.

"Ya'll are way to loud.." he grumbled. Charlie pouted for a second but her smile reached back up just as quickly.

"I know you guys aren't feeling the holiday cheer this year but I have something that will make you feel just a bit better angel." She dropped the bag onto the ground with a loud thump and opened it digging around before pulling out a hot pink wrapped box with a black bow. "This is for you." Charlie placed it out in angel's direction and he raised his brow curious.

"What is it?"

"Open it and find out!" She responded in a cheery tone.

Angel walked over taking the box cautiously and eyed the metallic wrap carefully. He pulled the bow string and tore through the wrap quickly revealing a spiked rose gold collar. His eyes lit up and saw there was a tag dangling from it. "Fat nuggets...FAT NUGGETS! Omg Charlie, y-ya got my lil fat nuggies his own collar!?" Angel jumped up excitedly and pressed it against his chest happily. "I love it toots!"

I smiled watching as the three laughed and smiled. It was nice to have a little bit of holiday cheer in such a shit hole. Charlie noticed me standing by the tree and pulled another gift from the bag before walking my way. "I got something here for you too y/n." The wrap was a beautiful f/c and f/c bow sat at the top perfectly. I grabbed it and smiled softly at the blonde haired demoness.

"Thanks Charlie."

"Of course! I have one for Alastor too but I haven't seen him all day. Do you know where he is at all?"

I nodded my head and looked over at the elevator. "He's been up in his room moping around. Do you want me to go get him?" Charlie went quiet a moment and then gave me a sheepish smile.

"If you don't mind."

I chuckled and nodded my head again in agreement. "Don't worry. I got ya girl." I placed my present down underneath the tree and walked over to the elevator taking in a deep and shaky breath. One would think I was crazy and you know what? They may be right because I was terrified. Alastor was in a horrid mood and he could possibly snap at any time. The loud clanking metal took me up to the floor where the radio demon's room stood at the end of the hall. I swallowed hard and shuffled my feet across the red carpet in panic. It was eerily quiet and I could hear my heart racing. I reached Alastor's door and hesitated on knocking keeping my hand up in a fist but the longer I stood there the worse I felt so my hand finally made contact. I knocked three times waiting for an answer but with no response. I huffed and went to knock again but the door handle clicked and the buck peeked out looking tired and irritable.

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