THAT man?!

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((My art at top))

Y/n's p.o.v

What am I doing to him? What did Alastor mean by that? Maybe he was referring to...well no. He couldn't mean that. I looked at him in his eyes seeing them soften and his hands rubbed up and down my back smoothly. I relaxed into his touch and smiled contently before responding.

"I didn't think I was doing anything except upsetting you."

Alastor stopped moving his hands and sat himself up in a more comfortable position so that I was now cradled in his lap. His hand reached up and caressed my hair. "I think upset is to harsh of a word. I think the best way to describe it is curiosity and caution. There are traits to your personality that make me raise a brow but also I feel a need to be cautious around you because you make me question my own thoughts." I leaned my head against his chest and smiled. So what if this man is possibly a bit bipolar? I'm enjoying this and him opening up to me. I relaxed my body against his tall but lean build. My eyes began to grow heavy and I could feel myself begin to fade away. Alastor's voice became more muffled and before I knew it I had fallen asleep to his hands gently playing with my hair.


My eyes shot open and I felt my heavy lids struggle to zoom around the room due to blurry vision. The room was dimly lit and I was tucked under my covers. I raised my arms over my head and stretched letting out a very satisfied grunt. My arm moved to the side and it landed against something solid. I turned my head to look beside me and I could've sworn my eyes shot from my head in surprise. Alastor laid above the sheets snoring quietly beside me a subtle smile Dancing on his lips and furrowed his brows. I rolled out of bed quickly and landed on my butt wincing at the pain. I almost forgot that Alastor came to my room last night so I could apologize and we..we kissed! Like a real one with tongue. I placed my hands on my head and brought my knees up to my chest trying to keep from yelling. It was super hot too. I couldn't believe I was admitting that it actually turned me on but..

I looked up at the buck still sleeping soundly and puffed my cheeks. I kinda wish we would've gone further. I shook my head and got up on my feet. I had my bag hanging on a coat hook by the bathroom and grabbed ahold of it digging through looking for my wallet. I froze when I realized I couldn't find it. I shuffled things around a bit more feeling my heart rate pick up.

No no no!

It was gone. My money, my cards and...oh fuck. I had my great grandfather's pocket watch at the apartment still. I looked over at Alastor quick seeing he was still asleep and stood up straight. I grabbed my hoodie and bag before putting my shoes on and snuck out of the room quietly closing the door behind me. I was going to go back to and retrieve what's mine.


I stared up at the white painted front door anxiously scared to even open it. It's only been a couple days but I felt like it's been months. I slowly reached my trembling hand out and grabbed the door knob twisting it causing it to make a clacking sound and creak open. I peered my head in looking around making sure no squatters were inside but noticed nothing suspicious. I walked in closing the door and breathed in the familiar scent of roses. The kitchen looked the same as it did the night I went on my date with Vic. I placed my bag on the kitchen table and made my way up the stairs to my room noticing that the hallway light was on which I could've sworn I shut off that night but shrugged it off. I guess I was in a bit of a rush. I took long strides to my bedroom and walked in turning the light on. I gasped as I saw the scene in front of me. My bed was flipped over, clothes all over my room and dresser drawers were tossed with tons of trinkets and jewelry laying over the floor. My window was open causing the curtains to blow back and forth. I shuddered at the mess and gritted my teeth. Who the fuck had the audacity to enter my home!? I ran over to my side table and opened up the small drawer underneath breathing in a sigh of relief.  My pocket watch was sitting at the bottom rear faced and I picked it up caressing the cold metal in the palm of my hand. I wanted to know who entered my home and destroyed my things so I ran downstairs grabbing my phone to take photos. I guess it's time to be Sherlock Holmes.

Deal maker-Alastor X femreader Where stories live. Discover now