So cold

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((I almost want to make this a slow burn<.< just to tease ya'll *evil demonic laughter* although enjoy some slight fluff in this one uwu))

Y/n's p.o.v

The hotel actually didn't seem half bad. After I sat down with Charlie and Vaggie, Alastor gave me a tour of the surroundings. I was told that just because he allowed me into his room last night doesn't mean I could come in whenever I pleased. Unless, I was Charlie or he needed my assistance as there was the deal in place. I ended up meeting the rest of the hotel family including niffty who was a clean freak, who also had a deal with Alastor and then husk who was an absolute alcoholic with no point in living really. He also had a gambling problem. I was so happy to see angel there and we immediately kicked it off great although Alastor warned me to stay out of trouble around. I guess they didn't get along. By the time noon hit I was in my own room in a boringly designed simple bedroom much different than Alastor's. The bedding was a plain white and a small desk with a t.v leaned against the wall in front of the mattress. I would need to do some decorating. I sighed and jumped on the queen bed feeling my eyes become heavy and couldn't help but fall into a deep slumber.

3rd person p.o.v

The heaven's were hustling and bustling with servants and angels running around frantically getting ready for the near extermination. God walked through the halls of the kingdom his hand rubbing his chin, dark circles under his eyes due to stress. His loyal soldier Micheal came up to him and bowed before standing back up straight. "My lord, it would seem the radio demon's new servant is now living at the rehabilitation hotel with him and Lucifer's daughter." God sighed and crossed his arms.

"Do you have any idea on what he plans to do with the girl?"

Micheal shook his head. "Not yet sir. I will say that I highly believe it may have something to do with overthrowing Lucifer's throne though."

The king grunted and thanked Micheal before turning back to the angels who were still dashing around like confused ants. He huffed and headed back toward the throne room.

Y/n's p.o.v

The smell of sulfur reached my nose as I swiped the match against the rough surface of the pack of other matches. A vicious grin danced on my face giving off an eerie glow from the flickering of the tiny flame. I looked up to the house in front of me now caked in gallons of gasoline.

"Good bye you bitch." I threw the match but just as I did so I found myself in a bedroom and strapped to a bed.

"W-what the-?" Flames roared outside the window and I could smell the burning odor of plastic and wood. How in the hell did I end up here? I tried to loosen the leather straps around my wrists and ankles but nothing worked.


"Hello!? Help me! Anyone!" I screamed on top of my lungs trying to scream Over the loud roar of the flames. The window became so hot that it ended up shattering and glass shot toward me. I was trapped. I was going to burn alive here. I could feel the heat of the fire lick my skin gently and smoke rolled in burning my eyes. I coughed and gagged trying to keep from inhaling. "Hello!! I'm in here, please anybody!!"

"Aw, poor baby."

I turned my head toward the door and narrowed my eyes.


She walked up to me a shit eating grin on her face and chuckled darkly. "Doesn't it suck to feel so helpless? That's how I felt when you decided to burn me alive that night."

Deal maker-Alastor X femreader Where stories live. Discover now