Official partners in crime

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"A-Alastor wait. It's to rough." I took in a shaky breath feeling the demon's long black appendage slither around stretching out my hot throbbing core. Alastor was leaned over me shaking from his lack of control and I could see that he was about ready to break.I reached my arms up and slid them around the back of his neck pulling him in close so that our foreheads touched. Alastor looked at me with eyes that seemed to give off that his struggle to hold back was at its wits end.

"Alastor, stop trying to hold back for me. There's no point in doing this if you're not enjoying it either."

The radio demon huffed and gritted his teeth and I felt his body ease into mine.

"That would be a mistake dear. I don't want to hurt you."

I almost felt bad for him. The infamous radio demon scared to hurt me who should be considered prey. Yet, not a single ounce of spite or apathy wafted off of him. He genuinely seemed concerned. I placed my hand against his cheek and smiled softly letting him know that I wasn't scared.

"Alastor please. I want this with you. I want the good, the bad and the ugly. I want whatever it is you crave. Your desires aren't going to scare me away so please for all that is unholy, fuck me already."

Alastor leaned into my touch and he let out what almost sounded like a breath of relief and looked at me tenderly. A soft glow was reflecting off his red ruby eyes and slid his taloned fingers down my neck which caused me to shiver.

"Are you saying I can do as I please with you?"

I nodded in approval and Alastor wrapped his fingers around my neck squeezing gently. He leaned down next to my ear and his warm breath tickled the baby hairs.

"Don't regret this afterwards."

The radio demon leaned up straight and two more tentacles protruded from his back as the one still laying at my core started to slither and lick up my slit forcing me to exhale sharply from the sudden friction. One of his other tentacles came down wrapping itself around my neck and the third came down hard smacking my ass as my back arched from the pleasure being wrung out of me. Alastor's grin widened and he slid his hand down to the hem of his clad striped pants tugging at the zipper. I watched him slowly pull his pants down as moans left my lips. He revealed the tent in his boxer briefs that looked desperate for attention and I felt my stomach tighten impatiently. He leaned down to my level as his tentacles still slithered around and placed his clothed erection in my face.

"Should I even tell you what I want?"

I shook my head and pulled my head up using my teeth to pull his boxers down so that his hard member smacked me in the face. It twitched in anticipation and was leaking at the tip.

"Go on." He purred.

I opened my mouth sticking my tongue out and licked the tip of his member tasting the pre-cum spread across my taste buds. I cringed at the salty taste but ignored it and leaned in placing his hard cock in my mouth leaving Alastor to sigh in enjoyment. I opened my mouth wider to fit his cock further down and bobbed my head listening to the radio demon sigh and moan. His hand slid behind my head and he gripped a handful of my hair.

"My apologies dear but it feels to good to control myself."

I raised my brow in curiosity but before I pulled his cock out of my mouth to ask what he was planning it was shoved deep down my throat causing me to gag. Alastor repeated these movement's multiple times and my eyes began to water from the pressure and lack of
Air in my lungs. The tentacle slithering around my dripping center rubbed up against me harder and my hands gripped onto his pant legs as his hot seed filled my mouth. I could feel it slide down my throat. He pulled my head back and I coughed as tears flowed down my cheeks trying to catch my breath. I looked up at the demon who was also breathing heavily, his eyes hazed over with pleasure.

Deal maker-Alastor X femreader Where stories live. Discover now