Going clubbing

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Y/n's p.o.v

I groaned loudly as I stretched out on my bed. As soon as I walked through my apartment door I slid my shoes off of my aching feet and shimmied right out of my pants. The air from outside whipped through my bedroom window gently caressing my bare legs. I lightly shivered and pulled the blanket over me. Thoughts of today's events repeated themselves over and over making it hard for me to ease into the mattress.

Why would Alastor suddenly propose a deal? Because I looked miserable? Did he really expect me to cave in and agree? Or maybe he believes I'm that desperate. There's no way he could read me..right? Even if I did agree what could I possibly ask for? I don't care much for money or riches. I make enough at the shop. Fame? Nah, that's to far fetched. I don't need people like Aro up my ass all day everyday. Oh! Protection then maybe? I caught myself actually thinking about his offer and flopped around on my bed like a fish. What is wrong with me!? I must be crazy even thinking about it. Yet then again, if I were somehow able to make a deal with Alastor so that he could spend time with me and just listen to my thoughts..to hold hands and-wait..what the hell!? No way! With-with the radio demon!?


"Ugh, I really am a desperate idiot aren't I?" I frowned and grabbed my phone checking the time. It was almost midnight and I decided it was about time to get some rest. I didn't have work tomorrow so I decided that maybe I would sleep in for once. I yawned and pulled the covers over my head before my eyes fluttered shut and everything drowned out in silence

Alastor's p.o.v


Charlie stomped down to my office and pounded on the door.

"Come in!" I sang. Charlie swung the door open an angry frown pulling at her lips.

"Are you threatening to eat angel's pig again!?" She hissed. I snickered before getting up from behind my desk and walked up to her.

"I simply told him to keep it out of my office before I made him an exquisite feast for tomorrow's dinner. I don't believe that's to much to ask now is it my dear." The blonde demon belle rubbed her temples and sighed. "But, you didn't have to threaten him al. Please refrain from using such tactics. I don't need a commotion to arise while we have guests here." My lip twitched but I refused to argue and grinned wide. "Of course! Apologies! You are the princess after all! What you say must go." Charlie gave a small smile and relaxed her shoulders. "Thanks al. By the way, it's past midnight. You should probably get some rest. The paperwork can wait til tomorrow." With that she wished me good night and closed the door quietly.

I walked back over to my desk and leaned into my recliner tapping my fingers against the glossy wood. All evening I've been thinking about the young demoness from the butcher shop. I couldn't help but to feel impatient in hopes that she would contact me for a deal of a lifetime! She just seemed to innocent. Her eyes showed to much light in them. I wanted to dim that light and crush it in my hands. That radiance to darken under my grasp like a burnt out candle. I needed to be patient though. Everyone came crawling back to me sooner or later. If i decided to step out of line it would ruin everything. The plans i had set in place were perfect for a petite little distraction as the blue water demon. I laughed to myself.

In due time darling.

Y/n's p.o.v

Beep beep beep beep

"Ughhh.." the alarm on my phone went off loudly and I grabbed my pillow pulling it over my head to deafen the sound of misery. I must've forgotten to shut my alarm off last night. I contemplated on peeling my eyes open but in the end decided I would need to because my body was already getting antsy. I sat up shutting the alarm off on my phone reading it to be six in the morning and mentally cried. So much for sleeping in.

Deal maker-Alastor X femreader Where stories live. Discover now