essay for iskol

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Who I really am

My name is -------------- and this is who I am.

To my friends, I am shy but kind, reserved but funny. Once they would get to know me, they would see a side of me that is loud, smiles a lot, and jokes around. Some would even call my energy "chaotic". With the friends I have now, that's what they would say if someone had asked them what type of person I am.

To my family, I am smart, brave and hard-working. They would see me day and night, sitting at my computer, working. Hardly taking a break. But despite that, I still make time for them, I make it a point to not shut them out of my world. I would go to great lengths for them. In fact, I would die for them, and they know that.

What not many people know though, is who I really am inside. Despite my joyful appearance on the outside, my inviting smile, my welcoming personality, I am a very different person behind closed doors.

My joyfulness never really disappears. Sure, I get sad, lonely, and miserable from time to time, but they're only temporary.

I would say, the real me is hidden, under so many personalities I keep to hide, to mold, to be someone who I am not. I've so many personalities, I do not know who I really am anymore.

The real me is very confused and lost in the world. I don't know what I want to do, I don't really have much passion. Of course, I've got talents, and skills that are really useful in life, but my purpose, the reason I'm here on earth, I don't know that yet.

My life really only consisted of rail-less bridges, always going from one place to the next, safe but scared to fall.

Who I really am is still a mystery to me, but these fragments of myself build the whole image of myself.

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