would've been a song

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This book has slowly turned from a nice way to write my thoughts into this chaotic mess and I don't know how to fix it.

~ I was trying to write a song but it went slightly wrong.

what's it like? what's it like being free from the memory that torments me every single day i breathe
what's it like knowing someone would do everything in their power to make you happy even when they want to rid you from their soul
what's it like not thinking about me? i think about you every single every single hour every other minute hoping that you are too

so i text you, but you leave me on read

so like why even bother i hate you with my entire being I hate the fact that you can move on with life without me i hate the fact that your life is so easy worrying about trivial things, not about survival

shits easy for you, you're blessed with a good life

good parents, and in the future a good wife but of course thats your world i was stupid to think that i could be part of it so fuck you and fuck your friends and your parents and your fucking perfect life

i hope you enjoy your stay wherever you are

ill continue being your friend but dont fucking expect me to treat you the same you fucking dicky ou cunt you thick faced mother fucker fuck you for not holding me as important as i hold you fuck you for being you

Fair Conversation ~ The Voices In My Head's GCWhere stories live. Discover now