I've been helping Inaya prepare food for Fatima and her since the day she was hospitalised.
We haven't said anything to each other except when I texted her to ask what they wanted to eat for the day, which was every morning.
I had to ask to work from home so that I could get the flexibility to help them out. Karim accepted as soon as he heard that Fatima was the one sick, he even went further and visited her at the hospital. It was nice of him.
Saad was in charge of food delivery so I got to see him a lot at my house. He was back to being a quiet man, which wasn't a surprise considering the only time he opened up was when defending Inaya after our incident.
Just greetings and food pick-ups.
It has been going on for a week.
I'm just happy that everything was going well and that she was getting better by the day.
The doctor who I soon found out was the family doctor said that she was in the monitoring phase so she was going to be released any day now.
I thanked god.
I haven't been able to get a hold of Abdul but I was seeing the socials and they had their hands full. Zahra also thought it was best that we didn't tell them because they could not afford to reschedule the trip.
Besides it was almost over they just had two countries left. So we only had one weeknto go and they would going to be back. Fatima would be home by then.
"Not to sound rude but why are you helping them while all they ever do is hurt you?", Claire asked not caring that Lucinda was in the room and she might tell Abdul.
"Well, first of all, where did that come from and second just because someone treats you badly doesn't mean that you should do the same thing when they're in need", I replied while packing the food.
Saad was almost at the house and I didn't like to keep him waiting.
"Good evening Nikki. Fatima wanted you to come with me today. If you had time, that is", he asked avoiding my eyes. I smiled, "Sure thing. Let me go change then we will go", I rushed to the bedroom, changing my clothes in record time.
We reached the hospital just in time and found Inaya putting the containers from the afternoon in the lunch bag. "Inaya, could you give us a moment please", Fatima said. Inaya and Saad walked out of the room.
"I heard that you are the one who donated blood. Thank you for that", she said calmly. "It's ok, I would have done it to anyone", I replied with a smile but when she looked at me, she had an emotionless face.
It was like someone poured ice water on me.
"Nikki, you are an amazing girl with a big heart. You can have any man you want. Why are you so hung up on my son? Why does it have to be him? I need you to help me understand", she asked me calmly but I could tell that she was angry.
"I don't understand Fatima", "Of course, you wouldn't. Do you want to know why I despise you so much? Were you ever curious even a tiny bit? Well, let me tell you today and then maybe you will finally leave us alone.
Nikki, I have a vision of what I want my family to be like. A dream for each of my children. A disowned black woman born from a poor family with two fatherless children is not part of it.
I know this might seem harsh but I would ask you now. What type of future do you see for Nate and Natalia huh?
Do you want Nate to marry a woman with nothing to bring to the table? Or Natalia to get married to a man that will forever be a burden to her?
Tell me which mother wants to see their child suffer for people who don't deserve them. Nikki answer me", she said looking me dead in the eyes.
"Mother... that's not right", I turned to see Inaya and the family doctor standing at the door. The doctor looked like he was in a horror movie.
I cleared my throat trying my best to recover from an almost meltdown. "Good evening doctor. Do you want to examine her?", my attempted straight voice seemed to have brought him to reality.
"Uh! Yes, just so that she can be released tomorrow morning", he said avoiding my eyes. I stepped aside so that he could walk in, making sure to leave right after.
"I'm sorry, I didn't know she would do that, I wouldn't have brought you here if I did", Saad said looking at me with pity. "It's not your fault. See you tomorrow morning yeah?", I said with a smile.
He nod his head and I left. I pulled out my phone and saw a text that was sent an hour ago.
💕Abdul: Finally done. I can't wait to see you.
It made me smile.
His mother's words didn't hurt anymore.
I guess i just found my kryptonite.
When I got home, it was homework time, so I sat with my babies and helped them. I was thankful that school was going great and Nathan was adapting well and loved the school.
We ate fish and chips and the kids seemed to enjoy it more than the rest of us.
Lucinda made chocolate muffins for me which turned out to be the best companion when I decided to stay up late so that I could catch up on work.
We had some new companies that wanted to join our outlets and I was the one in charge of the filtering after selection and for that to happen I had to be in the office so I pushed them to the following week because I knew I would be back from my working from home break.
Inaya: Hi Nikki. I'm at the door please open it up.
I was surprised it was almost midnight.
I wondered if there was something wrong or if she just didn't have enough and decided to extend what her mother had to say.
I heard another knock.
I rushed to the door and found her with Saad. He looked pissed and she looked guilty.
"Can we come in?", she asked. "Inaya, it's been a long day and I don't have the energy to take in more insults can we just call it a night?", I whined. A tear dropped from her eye making me stare in shock.
"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry for how I've made you feel. She's wrong about you. I hope you can forgive me and someday her too", she said then rushed back to their car.

Meant To Be Yours!
RomanceThere is nothing more powerful that commitment. People commit to things because they believe the outcome will be worth it. Nikki's situation was no different, she committed to the love of her life because she had hopes that one day his mother will...