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©rumi_rspt & hoyoverse / genshin i.

[ 1.08.2023 ] 

WE'RE HERE ❞ STATED BY KUNIKUZUSHI. A massive mansion could be seen as I gazed out of the vehicle window.

We got out of the car and proceeded to make our approach to the main entrance of the house. I'm still in awe of their home's size.

I just drifted off thinking about other things since we really didn't talked that much. Soon later, I missed to realize that we're already in his bedroom to start on our project in Science.

We get right to start on our project in an effort to accomplish it early. In the middle of doing my project, Kunikuzushi suddenly said.

I'm just going to get a water and a snacks for the both of us downstairs. Don't touch here anything. ❞ He deliberately emphasized the last phrase.

It's as if I'll touch everything around here; only an imbecile would wander around here touching everything like a stupid kid..

I instantly got up and moved to the door after hearing a knock. I open it without giving it a second thought, and to my astonishment, my friend Raiden is standing there rather than Kunikuzushi.

Hey you big id*0t Mom's calli-❞ Raiden looked shocked for a moment but decided to speak up.

Y/nnn, I missed you. ❞ A tinge of enthusiasm could be heard in Raiden's voice. She suddenly hugged me, and we shared hugs for about two minutes before parting our hug.

She apologized for her sudden earlier hug after that passionate embrace. She was obviously feeling ecstatic at the time, so it's really not a huge concern..

We had a brief conversation and discussed a few special times in our friendship.

Oh, that reminds me.. Are you perhaps somebody or an aqcuaintance to Kunikuzushi?❞I was genuinely curious about how they were related. As I awaited a response, the air became ominously silent.

I deeply apologize for the awkwardness my frank question has caused you. No need to answ-

Alright, I'll answer your question as much as I can.. You see, I'm his big sister, Y/n. ❞ She responded with a straight face.

Oh, that explains why you're here.. You also didn't tell me that you have a brother! After our 3 long years of friendship.. ❞ I wiped dramatically my non-existent tears in my face. ( do you get deja vu huh- ) Raiden just cringed at my sudden action and smirked at the thought.

Are you perhaps..jealous?

Eh- we recently got acquainted and hardly communicate with eachother y'know..❞ Raiden was still doubting my answer but, she just hummed and didn't press any further. We talked too long until someone break it.

Uhh- excuse me but, before you two talked a little longer, we're gonna need to finish to half of the project, Y/n. ❞ Kunikuzushi stated which made us turned our head to his direction. Raiden hummed and leaved the room.

Did you already finished the half part of the project? ❞ Kunikuzushi asked in confirmation, I nodded my head and he hummed in acknowledgement.

⠂⠄⠄⠂⠁⠁⠂⠄⠄⠂⠁⠁⠂⠄⠄⠂ ⠂⠄⠄⠂・゚✧

Finally!, we've already finished this project in such a short time! ❞ I exclaimed with a beaming smile put in my face.

He hummed while helping me clean our clutter stuffs. After cleaning for 45 minutes, we finished and it was already past 8:00 pm which means I already needed to go home immediately so, I grabbed my materials and bags quickly and bid my goodbye to Kunikuzushi.

..Do you need a ride? ❞ He said while I'm grabbing my bags and materials. I then replied to his offered,

Sure.❞ Thank the archons! I didn't have to ride a bus anymore in such a cold weather! We walked downstairs and coincidentally, Raiden was in the living room playing some games, so I took that chance to bid my goodbye to her.

Raiden!! ❞ She looked to my direction and waved her hands left and right. She agreed when I asked whether it was alright if we exchanged numbers.I thanked her and then Kunikuzushi and I left their mansion.

We left the mansion and hop in his car. Better than I initially expected, the ride went very smoothly. Even so, that didn't actually mean we had a lengthy conversation.

⠂⠄⠄⠂⠁⠁⠂⠄⠄⠂⠁⠁⠂⠄⠄⠂ ⠂⠄⠄⠂・゚✧

A tapping sound followed by a pitter-pattering sound was heard on the vechicle's window. You look outside as to whereas that sound came from.

When the clouds started spewing water droplets, people sprinted for cover outside and opened their umbrellas.

As the downpour intensified, pools of water started to plink making it for the car to get dirty. ' ughh.. 'I forgot to bring my umbrella ', great. You facepalmed yourself for not checking the today's weather forecast.

We're here ❞ Kunikuzushi said making you to stop your train of thoughts.

Oh..Thanks for driving me home, Kunikuzushi. ❞ You unbuckled the seat belt and attempted to go when Kunikuzushi blocked you. He unbuckles his seat belt, grabs his umbrella, and exits.

Although you still pondered why, you decided to maintain your demeanor. He opens your door and extends his hand to you.

You grasp his hand without you knowing it since you were still taken aback by his abruptly behaving like a gentleman in front of you.

While he was accompanying you to your house, the tension between you and him rose. Before you left your seat earlier, he gave you his jacket to make you feel warmth.

He really didn't have to do that, but because he's a gentleman, you just accepted him as he is to prevent him from being irritated by your attitude towards his kind behavior.

You two reached your doorstep and it is finally time to say thanks and goodbye to him.

Thanks for driving and accompanying me, Kunikuzushi.❞ You smiled at him and hugged him as a thanks.

He flinched at the sudden touched but soon embrace it. ( lol ) Kunikuzushi subsequently lost the warmness in his body, replacing it with the previous cold temperature, which he didn't like.

He still wishes for that warmth to envelop him, but he has prevented himself.

Uhh..I should return your jacket to you, Kunikuzushi.❞ You added, holding out your hand to give him his coat.

No need, just keep it to yourself. ❞ He assured. You quickly retrieved your hand and placed his coat to your free hand. You close the door when he left.

⠂⠄⠄⠂⠁⠁⠂⠄⠄⠂⠁⠁⠂⠄⠄⠂ ⠂⠄⠄⠂・゚✧

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