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©rumi_rspt & hoyoverse / genshin i.
[ 2.14.2023 ] 

ꜰɪʀꜱᴛ ᴅᴀᴛᴇ ʟᴏᴄᴀᴛɪᴏɴ ; ʙᴏʙᴀ ꜱʜᴏᴘ

 WHAT HAVE WE GOT here?~ Aren't you friends with Kunikuzushi ?~

you soon turned around when you heard a voice behind you, only to be greeted by a fascinating person proudly wearing jewels of some sort? and wearing glasses. He was undoubtedly a wealthy man by the way he dressed.

Oh, precisely, we're in between of being rivals and friends..Well, I apologize for my rudeness, but who could you possibly be?

you questioned with your arms folded. You have some necessities in your bag ready just in case this person turns out to be a robber. Well, who would want a complete stranger to approach them and speak to them lightly as a friend would? That seems a little... strange, right?

Ah! Please pardon my attitude. My name is Pantalone; I won't go into detail regarding my last name. I'm related in some way to Kunikuzushi !~❞ He introduced himself gladly,

Who would have guessed that this flirtatious man was a distant acquaintance of Kunikuzushi ? Even you were unable to fathom how Pantalone managed to befriend Kunikuzushi

Oh, that's alright. Thank you for introducing yourself, Pan.

Oh my, have you already warmed up to me?~ You have already given me a nickname! How sweet of you n/n~ ❞ You sweat dropped and instantly regretted your choice to go with that particular nickname.

Hahah, no need to worry, n/n. I must say, you have some tastes in choosing nicknames than others.. ❞ you have no words to say and just plaster a beaming smile in your face.

*In my country, pantalon means pants- 💀

Happy Valentine's Day, Y/n~ Have you been asked out on a date yet? ❞ he questions which you swiftly answer,

Hmm, no. Why do you ask?

❝ Would you like to go on- ❞ A certain man with little patience stopped his offer to you.

❝ Ah! Hello, Pantalone. It's good to see you around once more.❞ It was evident that a little weight had been added to your shoulders when the approaching voice from behind you placed his hands in them and spoke to Pantalone behind your back facing him.

Ah~ If it isn't my friend, Kunikuzushi~ ❞ Pantalone forced a grin that, from a sight, seemed to be earnest. Without easing up, the two keep their gazes locked on one another. Given that Pantalone had other duties to tend to, their staring didn't last very long.

A-ah haha, I have to go immediately since I still have a ton of other matters to take care of. So then, see you soon, n/n! ~ ❞Pantalone quickly disappeared, leaving that indigo lad and you alone.

H-happy valentine's y/n. Would y-you like to go on a friend date with me? ❞ He started to stumble at his words and blushed as a result of his current words and actions. While you on the other side, was quite shocked at his offered.

U-uh sure..

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Kunikuzushi and Y/n went on this little date together as friends. They start their little date by going to a nearby boba shop. While doing so, Yoimiya and Ayaka happen to cross paths with the two of them as they order two boba milk.

Oh! Hello Y/n!! and..Scaramouche..?! ❞ Yoimiya let out a gasp with Ayaka looking quite shocked, and you instantly turned around as you sense their presence behind you. Simply refer to it as one of your instincts.

Hi, Yoii and Ayaaa, happy heart's day!! ❞ you rushed to them and hugged them like you didn't see them for a long time. After the hug, instead of seeing a dazzling smile shining on your face or anything like that, you saw their mouth agape.

Why do you guys seem so shocked? Did something happen? ❞ You questioned them with great concern over your face.

We just...didn't foresee you and Kunikuzushi being in the boba shop on Valentine's Day! ❞ Yoimiya whispered but shouted loud enough trying not to be heard by a certain someone behind your back.

hmm..Are you two..on a date?~ ❞ Ayaka added, her face displaying a devious grin. Was it embarrassment that caused your cheeks to turn a bright crimson red? or do you see this little hangout with Kunikuzushi as a date?

❝ N-no... I mean..yes, I do agree to that, but this was only a friendly date, ayaya.❞ while crossing your arms, you clarified the "misunderstanding" between you two.

Okay~ I suppose we'll have to go now..Perhaps right now, my brother and Thoma are looking for us. In that case, goodbye, Y/n! and have fun on your date!~

----Ayaka cooed the final phrase as she walked away from you, waving her hands at you; their silhouettes are barely discernible from a distance as they walked away from you.

Oh, who is that girl standing next to firework girl? ❞ Kunikuzushi from behind questions you,

First and foremost, her name is Yoimiya, not Firework Girl! Second, the girl standing next to Yoi is Ayaka.

Ah ok, I guess. ❞ Scaramouche nonchalantly said while sipping a drink in his boba

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