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your pov : 

The day proceeded like any other, with my routine journey to school. At lunchtime, I found myself atop the school rooftop, feeling the gentle caress of the breeze against my skin. This spot was my refuge from the crowded cafeteria below. As I gazed up at the sky, lost in admiration, I reflected on the decision I had made that day, confident that it was the right one, and certain I wouldn't come to regret it.


I reached a spot and noticed a cherry blossom tree in the center. Thinking it could be our meeting spot, I headed towards it. The place was so peaceful, with only the sound of the wind gently moving the tree's branches.

Out of nowhere, someone tapped me on my shoulder. Startled, I turned around and saw him standing there, hiding something behind his back.❝ Uh, hey there, ❞ he greeted, a bit nervously.

kuni? what are you doing he-

just don't ask about it! ❞ he said a bit louder, hiding the object he had behind his back earlier. I was surprised when he handed me a bouquet of flowers and two chocolate bars, and we both blushed. We stood there in silence for a moment, feeling like it was just the two of us in the world. I didn't know how to respond to his unexpected gesture. ❝ Accepting flowers from someone feels like this, huh? ❞ I pondered silently.

I can still vividly recall the moment when we finally settled down and started talking, even though there was still a lingering awkwardness between us. We found ourselves sitting beneath the beautiful sakura tree, with the sun slowly setting in the distance. ❝ Ahem, ❞ I cleared my throat, breaking the silence. ❝ So, um, why did you ask me to come here? 

Nothing,❞ he replied casually, as if he had done it on a whim. I couldn't help but feel a little angry. ❝ What? Hmph, I'll just leave then,❞ I said, ready to storm off, but he quickly grabbed my hand, stopping me in my tracks. ❝ Hey, do you really think I called you here just to play a joke on you? ❞ Kuni chuckled, causing me to feel embarrassed.

Well, what's the reason then? ❞ I questioned, but instead of answering, he moved closer until we were just inches apart. ❝ Do you really want to know the reason? Why don't you try to figure it out for yourself? I thought you were smart," he said, a faint smirk appearing on his face as he tried to tease me. ❝Just tell me, ❞I said, clearly irritated.

I like you, ❞ he blurted out, catching me off guard. He always knows how to keep me on my toes.❝ Wait, really? ❞ I chuckled, seeking reassurance. ❝ I have a crush on you, okay? ❞ he repeated, avoiding eye contact. It took me a moment to digest his words. ❝ No way... he likes me back? ❞ I whispered to myself, and then...

As I was thinking about past memories, someone suddenly tapped me on the back. ❝ Hello lovee, ❞ he said, lowering his head and giving me a hug around my neck. ❝ What are you doing here all alone, love? ❞ he asked, leaning on my shoulder. ❝ Oh, nothing, ❞ I replied.

Hmm, why aren't you calling me back, love? ❞ he pouted in an adorable way, which made me chuckle. He quickly questioned, ❝ Why are you laughing at me?❞ he sulked.❝ Haha, you're just so cute, love. I didn't realize you could be this adorable, ❞ I replied with a chuckle.

Well, anyway, let's dig in now. I prepared something special for you, babe. ❞ As he opened the tupperware, the delicious smell filled the air, making my mouth water. Without wasting any time, he scooped up a spoonful and fed it to me. ❝ Mmph! ❞I reacted, because of the sudden food in my mouth. He just grinned innocently, but I couldn't help but roll my eyes at his playful gesture.

It's no surprise that his cooking skills surpass even his mother's- But before I could ponder on that further, he surprised me with another spoonful! ❝ Mmph! ❞ I managed to chew and swallow the food before protesting, ❝ Stop shoving me food again and again! ❞

Huh? You...don't like my cooking? ❞he pouted, gazing at me.❝ Quit acting like that,❞ I scolded.❝ Like what? ❞ he asked innocently, scooping another spoonful into his tupperware. ❝Oh, don't play dumb, ❞ I sighed, rolling my eyes at him.
❝ You're adorable when you're mad at me,❞ he chuckled, leaving me speechless and blushing.

Later in the day, since we had nothing else to do, we decided to hang out at the mall and take a leisurely stroll. As we walked, his hand slowly found its way into mine and I held onto it tightly. Suddenly, I caught a whiff of the irresistible aroma of freshly cooked popcorn coming from a nearby cinema. Without hesitation, I dragged him along with me as we hurried towards it.

Let's watch a movie, my love! ❞ I suggested, to which he simply nodded in agreement. We paid for our tickets and found our seats, all while munching on our popcorn. As the horror movie began, the characters started discussing their plans to investigate an unknown case. ❝ Why are we even watching this? It's not even that scary, ❞he muttered. ❝ Just relax and enjoy it, my love, ❞ I reassured him, as I continued to stuff handfuls of popcorn into my mouth.
One hour later, we exited the movie theater, and I couldn't help but notice how pale he looked. He still held my hand tightly, even tighter than before. ❝ I thought the movie wasn't scary, ❞I playfully teased him. ❝ It's really not that scary, you know. ❞He tried to act tough, but his skin told a different story.
It's been months since we started dating, and honestly, I never expected us to last this long (although I really hope we do). We've introduced each other to our parents, and luckily, they had already predicted our relationship before we even got together. They're happy that we're together. I often visit his house, either to help his mom in the kitchen or just to spend time with him. I still can't believe this isn't a dream. My childhood friend and academic rival, Raiden Kunikuzushi, is now my boyfriend.

‧₊˚🦝✩ ₊˚🦇⊹♡


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