maybe im in love?

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So there I was on my bed wide awake at 2am with my thoughts racing as per usual
But somehow I would always fall to sleep I like to think that was because i knew ash was right above me ⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡

Knock knock

Chloe:hello you two up yet it 10:37
Goh:yea I'll be out in a moment
Chloe:that about ash
Goh:I dont know I'll shake him awake in a minute
Chloe:shame he looks so peaceful there
Goh:yea yea just get out please
Chloe:yea fine.....fine

Chloe leaves

I tried hopelessly to wake ash for the next 5 minutes until finally he sprung up with his heir all crazy honesty it was cute

Goh:your finally up
Ash:man I'm starving
Goh:ofcourse you are

They get dressed and race to the table

Professor cerise:a you two are finally up well I got research that needs doing if your up for it
Ash:yea give me like 10 minutes

Little did I realise I was staring directly into ashs loopy brown eyes lost in my own world

Chloe:hey goh are you ok I'm...fine
Chloe:ummmm goh can I speak with you a moment

Chloe:you do know you were staring at ash and you were blushing care to explain
Goh:it uh nothing I'm just tired
Chloe:sure I definitely believe you
Goh:ok that's the end of this conversation
Chloe:what's the problem eager to go back to you crush

Goh rejoins the table

The truth was I was eager to go back to my crush now lover so it did work in the end if you wanna find out how just keep reading these shity stories of mine

oh how much i love you Satoshi(satogou)Where stories live. Discover now