we can help out

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After that revelation ash said something I wouldn't have expected⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡

chloe:yea so what?
Ash:what does she look like?
Chloe:dark blue hair pink skirt and a piplup shes from shinno shes doing performance classes
Ash:oh my arceus it is dawn!
Goh:you know this person?
Ash:yea she was one of my companions back in shinno a couple years ago
Chloe:well since you know her so well do you think you could help me get with her?
Ash:well first she is very all over the place and she is a lesbian so I could work
Chloe:you really think?

So ash knew this person what a shock(not) + we were very willing to help

Chloe:so what first?
Goh:you need to make sure she has feelings for you first ofcourse and also make sure she doesn't already have a girlfriend
Ash:sorry I dont really know much about this😅
Chloe:well you are in a gay relationship aswell
Ash:hey!he asked me
Chloe:and you kissed him!
Chloe:besides the point I know shes single
Goh:you need to show her you care spend time with her well she is your friend right?
Chloe:yea I'll try that!
Ash:also tell your dad please

oh how much i love you Satoshi(satogou)Where stories live. Discover now