she will be fine

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Professor cerise was in there for a long time 2hours I think then he left⚡⚡⚡⚡

Professor cerise:I think shes ok
Goh:that's good
Professor cerise:your free I guess

We returned to our room to think of what to do we decided a make out session idky

Goh:w...wanna make out?
Ash:sure why not

I gently pushed and held ash against the wall with our fingers inter locked as we made out I kept thinking about how good his kisses made me feel made me feel loved and just amazing they still do lol then somebody knocked on our door it was chloe we didn't know so we said 1 minute while we were still kissing then she just opened the door

Chloe:ewww stop god!
Goh:dont barge in then!
Chloe:well I need to talk to you
Goh:can you come back later
Chloe:fine I'll leave you to "enjoy" each others mouths
Ash:no tell us what's wrong
Chloe:see goh even your boyfriend agrees

We all sat down on the bed and she began to speak...

oh how much i love you Satoshi(satogou)Where stories live. Discover now