emergency to the doctor

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I finally entered our room ash was waiting patiently for me when I entered he was ecstatic I scoffed those noodles ⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡

Ash:wow that was great!
Goh:thanks I think that's call for maby a little kiss?
Ash:more than a little kiss a huge kiss

He pulled me on to his bed and started to act all happy and lovey kissing me and all that lol he still dose😅

Knock knock

Chloe:ash goh! Can I come in?
Goh:no were busy!
Chloe:well this is more important than your kissing!
Goh: gah....fine...

I unlocked the door and chloe basically bolted in and locked it behind her

Ash:wow chloe what's up?
Chloe:I need to tell you something!
Goh:what's up then!
Chloe:its parker!
Goh:your brother what about him?
Chloe:he fell and hit his head its bleeding bad I need you guy to comfort me as we drive him to the hospital
Ash:of course!

Hey guys btw I'm back in school now so new parts may be a bit later than usual lol

oh how much i love you Satoshi(satogou)Where stories live. Discover now