spooky tower

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After I'd got all patched up we headed to the tower that nurse joy directed us to⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡

Goh:ok were here!
Ash:we need to catch 2 ghost pokemon I guess gastly and mismagius since I already have gengar

We began our ascent up the tower it ever more growing creepier until a gastly jumped out and I fainted from the terror I felt useless because when I woke up ash had knocked gastly out with pikachu he handed me a pokeball so I could be the one to catch it

Goh:sorry I was useless again...
Ash:no it's fine realy!

Then as we began climbing again we encountered mismagius and I set right to action and defeated and caught it myself

Ash:see you can do it your not useless
Goh:I guess

We got to the bottom of the tower and exited then the bully came back and challenged me to a pokemon battle

Bully:go dewott
Goh:go cinderace
Bully:Dewott use water pulse
Goh:cinderace dodge it and use double kick

And just like that dewott fainted the kid ran away

Ash:wow that was great
Goh:I did it for you
Ash:you battled for me?
Goh:ofcourse now let's go home!

oh how much i love you Satoshi(satogou)Where stories live. Discover now