night to ourselves

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We returned home and presented the two pokemon to the professor and he was pleased and told us we had the night to our selves we took advantage of that⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡

Ash:so we have the night to ourselves what do you want to do?
Goh:I was thinking we take the night to enjoy each other and ourselves of course
Ash:what's that ment to mean?
Goh:you know chill in bed together....m-maby makeout a little...
Ash:oh sure thing!

We got in bed together ash snuggled up to me kissing both my cheeks and forehead I was blushing like mad but ofcourse I kissed back we ended up with ash pining me to a wall and kissing me deep then...

Knock knock knock

We pretended we couldn't hear the knocking and continued then they entered

Professor cerise:oh I thought I might wanna tell you tha-

We stud in silence for like 15 seconds before professor cerise quietly apologised and left locking the door on the way out

Ash:maybe we should just go snuggle in bed instead

We sat back in bed again our legs and hands intertwined and his head on my chest he fell asleep like that I fell asleep listening to his light snores...

oh how much i love you Satoshi(satogou)Where stories live. Discover now