patents you shoud know...

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We had woke up got washed and changed and decided we shoud finally tell our parents about our relationship ⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡

Ash:ok I call my mom now...
Goh:remember I'm here if she says no
Delia:oh hey ash
Ash:hey mom I was thinking maybe me and my friend goh could come for dinner
Delia:oh course I'd love to have you too
Ash:ok see you then
Ash:see easy

We arrived at ashes moms house the place was beautiful

Delia:ok diner is served
Goh:thank you miss ketchum
Ash:looks great mom! Also I need to tell you something...
Delia:sure what is it honey
Ash:well you see me and go are...more then friends
Delia:oh boyfriends I already guess that
Ash:wait what how!
Delia:well I knew you didn't just call because you missed me I knew something was up and I couldn't be happier!
Ash:so you dont mind?
Delia:mind what?
Ash:that my lover is a boy?
Delia:no ofcourse not know I need to wash dishes you two can go chill in ashes room if you want
Ash:come on goh I'll show you around my room

After ash had shown me around his room he became all playfull and kissy of course I returned his affection we started kissing deep right in the middle of his room then his mom came in!

Delia:oh ash I made you some- bad time? I...
Delia:no I'll come back later...

oh how much i love you Satoshi(satogou)Where stories live. Discover now