night at his house

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We finished up and went down stairs to explain to his mother...⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡ i...I'm.. that...
Ash:why what?
Delia:why would you be sorry your a couple it's just what couples do
Ash:thanks mom...
Goh:yea...thanks miss ketchum...

We went back to ashes room and he invited me into his bed ofcourse I expected we lay there in his bed he soon fell asleep snoring lightly it was adorable but I was left there in the dark only able to see very little due to a small amount of moon light beaming through his window I admired all his badges and medals which served as a reminder as how amazing my boyfriend was and is...I lay there taking small breaths with each I would take in a large overpowering scent of the beautiful boy that slept next to me that night was one I never forgot...

oh how much i love you Satoshi(satogou)Where stories live. Discover now