new life same place

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So I had just woke up to the first day of being in a relationship and it was 7am a small crack of light beaming through the slightesty parted curtains I got up and and fully opened the curtains and went to the bathroom and got changed and washed and ash still wasn't up⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡

Goh:ash.....ashhhh WAKE UP!
Goh:no up now!
Goh:so we have to do it the hard way pikachu use.....

Pikachu was also asleep so I decided the best course of action was to get back in bed and guilt trip him into getting up but just as I got in he got up!

Goh:oh so now I'm back in bed now you get up!
Ash:well its been 5 minutes
Goh:i hate you sometimes

He got changed and washed and he came back in he said

Ash:you look nice today
Goh:you look more than nice your hansom

He brought me in for a long kiss and just the chloe opened the door to see us kissing

Chloe:bad time?
Goh:yes bad time now politely GET OUT!
Chloe:can do....

Chloe:set of to school and we went down stairs to ask professor cerise(the old bat) if he had any work for us

Professor cerise:I think I'm good for now so I guess you guys are free today

Ash:wanna go to the park and catch some pokemon?

And so we set of once more!

oh how much i love you Satoshi(satogou)Where stories live. Discover now