if i can pull it off

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Well there we were chloe was giving me advice on how to confess my feelings to ash it kinda worked in a way⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡

Chloe:so first off you need to slowly hint at him but because its ash I think hes to dense to get the hints so plan two get him something nice
Goh:wait Iv got it

I got up and ran out the room it was a very stupid plan I ran into our room

Goh:h....hey...ash....I...need to tell you something
Ash:what is it?
Goh:I...I.. lo......

I FREAKED OUT I ran out the lab and up to the top of a very large cliff over looking vermilion city I sat down and cried until I felt something walk up behind me and sit down it was ash and he was crying too

Ash:so....what are you doing...up here
Goh:running away
Ash:why do you wanna......talk.....about it
Ash:well what's on you.....mind
Goh:if had feelings very powerful feelings lately
Ash:well me too
Goh:there nice,kind and,beautiful
Ash:who is she?
Goh:what she?
Goh:I'm gay and I LOVE YOU ash ketchum!
Ash:I....I....um...love you too

I felt warm and loved as our faces inched closer I felt my lips touch against his I quickly pulled away realising what I had just done but when I opened my eyes he was just smiling I couldn't help my self I went in for another kiss this time it was more passionate but off course something had to ruin it

Chloe:ash!!goh!!!you up here

She saw up kissing with our fingers intertwined she came running to us

Chloe:oh you having a moment I'll go tell the others you'll be back soon

Goh:I...I...well I guess she knows
Ash:its fine all is fine as long as I have you as my boyfriend
Goh:so its official then
Ash:ofcourse now let's get back

oh how much i love you Satoshi(satogou)Where stories live. Discover now