here if you need me

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So I had just woke up but ash was acting strange and kinda down⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡

Goh:uh.....I fell like iv been asleep for decade w..were...were is ash?
Chloe:hes on the couch in the living room
Chloe:good question actually maby you can convince ash to tell us what's wrong
Goh:ok sure

I headed down stairs to the living room and I saw ash sitting there slumped to his side watching something on his phone

Goh:um...are you ok ash

It broke my heart to know ash was upset I walked over and sat next to him on the couch

Goh:why what's wrong?
Ash:I.. its nothing
Goh:you sure it doesn't seem like you to be so distant I'm sure somethings off

Ash began to tremble and tears welled up in his eyes and he broke down and hugged me

Ash:*crying* last night you were still out like a light
Goh:a..Ash i..I'm so sorry you have to deal with this can i do anything?
Ash:stay with for awhile

I was secretly trying my hardest not to blush or have a gay panic my crush what's me to comfort him and I was happy to help a few hours past and it was bed time since I had woke up at 2pm

Goh:ok let's get you tucked in ok? sleep with me tonight?
Goh:(@.....@) s..sure thing(having a huge internal gay panic)

We got in to be together and ash had fell to sleep the moment he hit the pillow he was holding me ash he slept he was snoring lightly it was adorable.

oh how much i love you Satoshi(satogou)Where stories live. Discover now