chloe in the future

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So hi I'm chloe and goh asked me to write about the past like when we did everything in the lab and that he wants me to write my prospective so here it is⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡

So goh was always really close to ash from basically day one thay had there disagreements and arguments but no matter what goh would never stay made I always had my suspicions that goh might have a crush on ash turns out I was right there in a happy relationship now I'm happy for them oh btw me and evee are pokemon carers we look after pokemon I'm 25 now all that was a long time ago my dad professor cerise hes old but just as kind and caring as he always was I live in cerulean city now me ash and goh meet up every now and then go and my dad moms doing good I guess that's all plus I wonder will I ever meet my soul mate?

Thank you for listening to future chloe and her thoughts and opinions💙❤💜💜🤣

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